Random Musings on Current Events 10.14.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state in a sort of journal format.

One time I donated to President Trump’s campaign and, in fact, I even supported Senator Graham during the 2020 election. It was obvious that my information was either given or sold to the Graham campaign because I was sent emails and texts that were remarkably like those that the Trump campaign sent. This election cycle my texts are getting blown up with solicitations from mostly Republican candidates and yet again they all essentially look the same as from 2020. What is amazing to me is how many phone numbers that these campaign organizations of businesses are purchasing because no matter how many of these numbers that I ignore, which is all of them, more texts keep rolling in.

Speaking of which I recently got several of these texts from the Republican National Party (RNC) despite being called by their phone callers more than once in which I told them that I will no longer support the RNC. I told the phone caller, both times, that so long as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, the RINO Senator from Utah and other Republicans who would rather be in the minority rather than be leaders received support from the RNC I could no longer support the RNC. I have not received any more phone calls to my knowledge but I sure am getting a lot of texts. Of course, I ignore at least five calls a day that are obviously telemarketers or spam so perhaps I am giving them too much credit.

More January 6 hearings in the kangaroo committee in the US House of Representatives. I would yawn if it were not for the waste of taxpayer money, time, and affront to freedom that it represents. Just ask Brandon Straka and others while Nancy Pelosi who threatened to punch President Trump while he was still in office was never arrested and will surely not be called before the kangaroo committee. Who really incites violence?

Speaking of California, the state that Nancy Pelosi’s tiny district that she supposedly represents is part of, I just learned that there is an organization or perhaps even a movement called the New California State which appears to be legitimate at least on the surface. I am impressed to learn that this seems to be well organized and to be honest well along in its development and organization. Stay tuned for more on this because I believe that I may have to “recognize” this new state. My concern is that I hope they are prepared for the attacks that inevitably will come at them from all corners of the dictatorial regime in California with backing from Washington D.C. See my comment on Nancy Pelosi in the preceding paragraph. One also need to look no further than the chair of the kangaroo committee representing yet another small district in the Golden State.

The Russians have shot several rocket volleys over the Ukraine in the past week. I thought their rocket reserves were decimated and that Russia was on the verge of collapse? You will have to pardon my cynicism and pessimism but I do not believe a word that is coming out of the mainstream media, the US Government spokes people, and certainly not out of the White House. Now Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is saying the Ukraine conflict was solely started by Russia? This is the same man who is forcing by coercion US Military personnel to take an experimental mRNA injection or be separated from the military and I am supposed to believe and trust what he says in truth? A man who was until just a couple of years ago on the payroll of Raytheon? I don’t think so.

Alex Jones has been handed a penalty of nearly a billion dollars based on a sham trial in which the Judge, an obvious political hack, would not even allow him to defend himself. This because he failed to produce documents that did not exist and in which Alex Jones admitted that he made a mistake. Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a New York second. I am not familiar with the details of the trial and what Mr. Jones said, did not say, or what his organization did. However, I have been aware of Alex Jones for well over a decade and know that he is anything but a conformist. My impression is that he is passionate and will say what is on his mind at any given moment whether it is right or wrong but will admit when he is wrong which apparently happened in the case of Sandy Hook. This leads me to question the magnitude of response against Mr. Jones in this matter. It seems to be way out of proportion and has me questioning if this is not a political-economic hit job when the media is constantly falsifying and covering up for those in the elite (i.e., Hunter Biden, Iraq War justification, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton server, Russia Collusion etc.). All I can think now is that apparently Alex Jones is over the target for there to be such a ridiculous trial and penalty to be levied against him. I must ask, for the umpteenth (who knows how many) time, what really is going on here? This appears to be a complete sham against him and quite honestly a criminal conspiracy. What about Mr. Jones’ First Amendment Rights and thanks to this ridiculous over reaction by the establishment and its blatant violation to guarantee his First Amendment Rights I must think that Mr. Jones is probably correct about more and more things than ever before.

I have been checking this website’s statistics and how many visitors I am getting per day and per week. Needless to say, it is not too many and I am OK with that. After all, I must wonder with the bots and algorithms written and controlled by Twitter, Google, Facebook and the others just how many visits their sites really are getting? I know it is more than me as it should but I now am quite confident that they really are not as big as they purport to be. In fact, like Lucifer they are mostly illusion using lies and deception to hoodwink a great number of people into giving up their souls.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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