Memorial Day 2021

I sit at my desk as the 11:00 hour approaches on Memorial Day knowing that at that time memorial services will begin at my local Veteran’s Cemetery. This is an event that I first attended two years ago and found it something that I want to attend every year. However, it seems that my desires are being thwarted first by the shutdowns last year inspired by the SARS-CoV-2 introduction to the world and this year because I refuse to wear a useless mask outside in ninety plus degree weather as is being required at the cemetery. A mask that provides as much protection as replacing the screens in my windows with chain link fence and expecting it to keep out flies and mosquitos.

As news breaks in the mainstream media that the SARS-CoV-2 appears to have been leaked for whatever reason out of the lab in Wuhan, China I must ask myself, “Why now?” Hasn’t it been readily apparent from day one that something strange was going on? I must ask myself why is the mainstream media just now reporting on this occurrence? What really is going on that the smokescreen of the leak is being laid to distract and or hide?

Moving on, it was at this time last year that I was beginning to doubt the response to the virus and the shutdowns that were being imposed on the American people and the entire world. Fortunately for me I live in a rural place and so last year I had plenty of space outside to do activities and other than not being able to attend social and memorial functions I was not too inconvenienced. However, I was starting to question the wisdom of increased shutdowns, the apparent subjective application of the term “essential business”, the potential damage to the economy, and the riots that were beginning in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Little did I know at the time that a massive upset in my nation and the world was just beginning?

Now, a year later, as I pause to remember those who have given their lives in defense of my country and of which I personally have known a couple, I must ask myself what have I learned in the past year? I will not discuss what my actions will be based on what I have learned because to be quite honest, for reasons that I will disclose, a state of war exists in my country. Though it is not an overtly hot war at this point it is at best a cold war whether we want to admit it or not and sides will need to be taken if not already having been

In the last year it has become obvious to me that the leadership of the Centers for Disease and Control, the National Institutes for Health, and the Food and Drug Administration do not have my best interest at heart. These people are public officials with quite frankly vast amounts of bureaucratic power and except for Senator Paul there seems to be little appetite to hold them accountable or audit their business. Their public business which as supposed stewards of public trust they absolutely should be open to. It is apparent to me that these leaders are beholden to lobbyists, special interests (i.e., Big Pharma), and their own lust and greed for power. I am shocked that Senator Paul has received death threats in the aftermath of his question of Anthony Fauci!

I was struck this morning as I finally read The Nuremberg Code of 1947 and quite honestly, I felt my blood begin to boil and my thoughts coalesce into a somewhat rational train of thought. A rational train of thought that I have found difficult to form since the events of January 6, 2021. For those who may read this and are unaware of the Nuremberg Code of 1947 as I was until recently it is essentially a code developed out of the post-World War II trials of medical professionals who experimented on human subjects in the concentration camps. Specifically, article 3 of the code states, “The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment”. To me the use of mRNA technology on humans is an experiment as this technology has never, to my knowledge, made it out of animal trials. Then suddenly, because of a declared “pandemic” to a virus with a 99.9% survivability rate and with treatments available (despite being debunked by a paper fabricated on lies and false science published in The Lancet) animal trials are foregone in the name of an “emergency” declaration by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To me this makes the leaders of the FDA and their corporate sponsors who lobbied for and approved this declaration accusable as war criminals according to the Nuremberg Code. What you have done is more than just committed political crimes to me you have committed crimes against humanity.

Which leads me to another item which has become obvious to me. The International Socialist-Progressive-ANTIFA-Marxist-Communist (I-SPAMC) movement will stop at nothing to keep and obtain power. It is obvious to me that Big Tech is working with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the CCP has corrupted many of our politicians on both sides of the aisle (i.e., Rep Pelosi, Sen McConnell and etc.). I also feel that the United States Supreme Court has been corrupted as evidenced by their refusal to even hear arguments in any of the election fraud cases.

Which leads me to another item, and this is the 2020 election, its execution, and the subsequent acceptance of it by Congress and the supposed “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. First, the “insurrection” to me was such an obvious false flag event that there is nothing anyone can say to me anymore that will dissuade or change my thoughts on this. Rioting in major cities agitated by left wing Marxists (SPAMC) was allowed all summer under the guise of “racial equality” in which businesses were looted and destroyed. This after businesses were forced to shutter for longer than the initial ninety days for a virus that had a greater than 99.9% survivability rate for the majority of the population and this was not called an insurrection? Further, this shuttering continued all winter in states controlled SPAMC controlled governors! Bullshit! You who would try to convince me that a peaceful march on the capitol was an insurrection while the destruction in our cities fomented by left wing Marxist (SPAMC) groups was not an insurrection are a domestic enemy. Let us not forget the only real death during the day as a direct result of the Capitol breach was that of a young veteran who was shot by a member of the Capitol Police who was wearing a BLM bracelet and who, to my knowledge, has never had an investigation performed regarding their actions and has remained anonymous. You domestic enemies of the United States are using the weapon of narrative to try and confuse the issue but for me it is not working!

I shake my head in disbelief at the members in Congress who “feared for their lives” during the supposed “insurrection”. An “insurrection” in which from what I understand truly little was damaged or stolen except for, perhaps, Representative Pelosi’s laptops. To me it looks like a covert operation again Grandma Nancy and our nation. What about the fear, sadness, and anger of the business owners who lost their businesses in the last year due to the SARS-CoV-2 inspired shutdowns and SPAMC agitated violent riots? Where is the outrage to this in the media? Well let me tell you what I think. Big Media and Big Tech your total disregard for these business owners and their plight makes you a domestic enemy. Your silence is consent to the SPAMC movement and your outright censorship are the actions of a domestic enemy.

To the “woke” corporations, politicians, bureaucrats, community members, and military leadership you are now my enemy. You are proponents of mail in ballots in which no form of identification needs to be provided by anyone to cast a vote. A system so open to fraud and abuse and yet I cannot open a bank account or fly on an airplane without providing identification. In fact, I cannot fly on an airplane without first obtaining a form of identification that requires me to prove my citizenship yet I can vote by just being home when the mail arrives? Umm, something is wrong with this picture. You who support this sham are guilty of disenfranchising my vote and I now consider you to be my political enemies. Further you run a race baiting scam in the guise of Critical Race Theory in which you seek to change history so that you can rewrite and change it at your whim. This right out of an Orwellian/Dystopian/Soviet playbook. You are running a sham in accordance with the I-SPAMC playbook to increase and or maintain your power at my countries expense and so, therefore, you are a domestic enemy.

Lastly, Big Media, I drove through Portland, Oregon in the last few months and was struck by the size of the city and the relatively small area that the insurrection has been occurring in that city. The conclusion that I came to is that if the leadership of that city really wanted to quell the insurrection, they could do it in mere hours. I have concluded that the leaders of Portland and perhaps by extension the state of Oregon just do not want to quell the insurrection. They either lack the political will, intestinal fortitude and or are complicit in the insurrection. This also goes for the leaders in the other cities of our nation who allowed the riots to go on ad infinitum last summer. There is no will to stop them and now I consider these leaders and the powers behind them to be domestic enemies. Big Media I consider you to be complicit in this as well because you are making money selling advertisements because of the strife in these cities caused by the SPAMC movement. You do not allow the opposing (my view) airtime and engage in censorship of any view not in line with your corporate and intellectual I-SPAMC masters and so I now also consider you to be domestic enemies from this point forward. It is now 12:00 PM and I have risen my flag back to full staff from its half-mast position. The half-masted flag flown in honor of the fallen.

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