Golden Age or Dark Age?

Two days ago, I was reading a story and in the story two of the characters were having a conversation. The two characters are older characters who have seen a lot and have been around a lot and one of the characters is speaking of today. There are two sentences spoken by one of the characters that somehow rang true to me. It rang true to me because in those two sentences it seemed to sum up my observations and opinions of one industry in particular. The two sentences read, “This should be a golden age ushered in on the wings of science and technology. Instead, it is the opposite. The start of a new dark age, using those same tools to spread ignorance and fear.”

It seems like just a little bit of time ago, in reality thirty years ago, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area working and taking an introduction to computer science class. I was fascinated with the new technology and had to learn what it was all about so that I could move forward in my life with some fundamental knowledge of how the technology worked. It was being touted that this “new technology that would increase productivity and save time for all of us”. In the class, I learned about inputs, outputs, memory, and the computer processing unit (CPU). Within a couple of years I was using an IBM 286 to manipulate data and do word processing. Within another couple of years I was learning how to write code and at the same time explore this new medium called the internet in which I could instantly in my house or in a computer lab communicate and or share ideas and information with others. It seemed to me to be the dawn of a golden age in which information would flow much more freely and quickly than it had up to that time.

It was interesting to note that I remember speaking with the first person that I bought a computer from in 1993. This gentleman essentially bought the computer components and assembled the complete machine for his customers. In a conversation he talked about being in Berkeley California in the 1980’s running in computer geek crowds and meeting Bill Gates. The gentleman that I bought the assembled computer remembered Bill Gates as the geek of geeks and yet he always had a crowd of people around him. By the time I was told this story in 1992 Microsoft was well on its way to the dominance that it developed and currently maintains.

Regardless, I was riding high on the power of the personal computer and the internet as I was able to research, perform calculations, and find spare parts and machinery that otherwise could not be found much easier than it had been before. I think one of the biggest boons for me was the word processing capability because I have never liked typing considering all of the mistakes I make when writing. It was awesome! Suddenly, friends of mine who lived in the San Francisco Bay Area were encouraging me to move back there as they were taking jobs at startups with huge stock options with promises of personal fortunes. Needless to say I was starting to become uncomfortable with how non-technical people were starting to become experts in high tech. Again, secretaries were becoming millionaires. I chose not to move and thank goodness I did not because when the dot com bubble burst some of these same friends lost their jobs and their stock options became worthless. For me personally the euphoric bubble was beginning to burst.

The survivors of this bloodletting only became bigger and stronger and little did I know some of these of the strongest and biggest companies were receiving protections from the US Government. Evidently, as they became bigger they also started using their new found wealth to begin lobbying and out right supporting political candidates. It is little wonder as I sit here now and reminisce that I was becoming disillusioned with the industry instinctively. All the while they became larger and larger. It did not help that new program versions and hardware “versions” were being pushed every year or two and I just could not bring myself to keep up when I had machines that were running perfectly good. I could sense that the technologists had been replaced by greedoligists as the user interfaces became more and more glitzy despite the user functionality remaining essentially the same and in fact decreasing in many cases as the software became more and more proprietary locking me out of certain capabilities.

The last programming language that I learned was C++ and I realized that programming was advancing at rate far faster than I cared to match and so I kind of turned my focus on other items periodically upgrading my computers to newer, faster, and more complex machines. Although I will admit that one of the most frustrating trends at the time was all the extra programs provided on these new machines that were difficult to remove. Quite honestly I never really felt comfortable that I had removed all the superfluous programs and as a consequence that the machine ran as fast as it could but I never really paid too much attention or devoted too much time to “clean” all the garbage programs out of my machines. It began to feel that the machine really was not truly my machine but that I was somehow paying for a machine that someone else could control and manipulate.

This became even more noticeable over the years when due to the increase in interconnectivity updates began being pushed out to my machines, licenses to run certain software packages required one to be online, and security due to hacking and other malicious code became so sophisticated and pervasive that to even visit and use some sites I had to keep my computer security up to date. Thus requiring my machine to be nearly always connected to the internet. My machine became even less my machine but rather like something I am leasing with someone always watching my every move and I have to pay for it. Oh and yes, if you think you are not being watched when you are online I have known this for quite some time and really it is not too difficult to tell that someone is watching you.

Now here we are today and we have FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) who have essentially become the most powerful companies in the world. Some of whom enjoy the privilege of Section 230 protection and have actually benefitted from the COVID “pandemic” as people have been brow beat into being fearful of going out and meeting people in person. Like Amazon’s destruction of small and even large brick and mortar businesses now they enjoy the benefit of having governments actually destroy their competition while they become larger and larger and more and more powerful. Ever so much more powerful that using technologies perfected with their partners in Communist China they apparently have even been able to turn tools of mass censorship on the country that spawned them. So much for the euphoria that I once associated with the internet; the medium that could provide for free flow and dissemination of information and that could provide so much more freedom to the world.

Make no mistake of my opinion but that I have no doubt that several if not all of these companies have colluded at some level with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). It is my opinion that if a company has done business in China they have had to make deals as the CCP is the most powerful authoritarian regime on the face of the earth currently. In order to do business in CCP controlled China these companies had to develop censorship algorithms. Now it appears the FANG have colluded with the Democratic Party and have conspired to cheat America out of a free and fair elections. I just wonder where the lines between the CCP and FANG exist because from my point of view the lines are very very blurry.

Additionally, I know look back on the history of recent elections in California and even the state that I live in and have to wonder how long this apparent digital vote cheating has been going on? Additionally, in all the other states that are using computerized voting systems? It is my opinion that the union between the big tech giants, the Democratic Party, elements of the Republican Party, the mainstream media and now apparently the CCP is an unholy alliance and an out and out criminal alliance. Freedom is euphoric but what we have now is oppression that is rapidly leading to a disintegration of social cohesion in the United States that is not going to end up good for many many tens if not more tens of millions of people. One that if not stopped now may be too late to be stopped if it indeed it is not already too late. Will the next four years bring us more fear and ignorance or will they bring us more jobs, freedoms, and be more akin to a golden age?

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