Another Look at the First Amendment

Looking at Amendment I of the United States Constitution is specifically reads as such:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So much is guaranteed in just this one amendment to the United States Constitution that I feel it is time to revisit and address some issues that I believe we as a society need to consider and link bank to this first amendment. Specifically, I would like to discuss the separation of church and state and the right to peaceably assemble.

On the first matter the more I study and listen to progressive socialist leftist fascist movement in this country I think that we must start to consider it a religion. I say this because much like the existing religions they operate based on faith and not necessarily using a logic-based cause and effect reasoning for their faith. Let me state that I am ok with this and that I have my own Christian based faith background but I openly welcome the fact that in this county our founders sought to keep this from becoming an official state sponsored and supported religion as existed in England and elsewhere throughout Europe at the time of the American Revolution. This due to the outright abuses that were perpetuated by the collusion of these two pillars in society. Abuses that were not based in natural law but rather in the arbitrary application of abuses to further their power bases at the expense of their constituents and flocks. It was for this reason that the founders sought to ensure that there would never be a state sponsored religion in this country.

Moving forward into the times we live in I have to say that I believe we have a pseudo political religious  movement active in our society that is to become a pollical religious power in the same vain as Islamic Fundamentalists seek to implement Sharia Law in the territories that they control. Of course, the leftist socialist communist movement will never openly admit that they are a religion as they actively seek to destroy all religions that opposes it. Destroy the others much as the Protestant and Catholic kings in Europe sought to destroy each other and institute their “religion” on the people and similar to current Islamic fundamentalists who seek to impose their religion on conquered people and in so doing destroy the religion of the conquered.

It is for this reason that I propose we begin to label the leftist socialist progressive movement a religion and as such I vehemently and strongly advocate the idea that any of their proposals and currently enacted laws (i.e. Green New Deal, Affordable Care Act, any remnant of the original New Deal and etc.) be deemed unconstitutional under the Amendment I of The United States Constitution.

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