Random Musings on Current Events 12.20.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

For some reason I have the song “California Dreamin’” by the Mamas & Papas in my mind but quite honestly what I have floating around in my mind is more like “California Nighmaring”. My nightmares start with the OpenAI whistle blower being found dead in San Francisco. Upon learning of this all I can think is that OpenAI’s meteoric rise must be due to a government agency’s influence (i.e. CIA, FBI). To me the evidence is in that a whistle blower has been suicided. I wonder how many unexplained deaths and suicides occurred when Google, Facebook and Amazon were in their ascendancy that we did not know about because the internet was still in its infancy.

Speaking of some more California Nightmaring it appears that California’s Governor Newsom is declaring an emergency over bird flu at the same time I hear reports of more bird flu around the country. Does anyone else see a pattern late in the year eerily similar to late 2020? I have to wonder if Governor Newsom made his decision from the French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley? I also have to wonder what the state of California’s budget is because I wonder if he is angling form some more Federal pork? Perhaps there was a bailout of some sort or another that Nancy Pelosi snuck into the failed continuing resolution? Perhaps, there is a line item in the money being allocated for disaster relief for California’s disaster known as its state government and ruling elite. 

Mitch McConnell threw the polio card out against his support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation.  Geez Senator McConnell, were you too busy crafting up the pork laden continuing resolution over cigars and bourbon with Reps. Jeffries and Johnson and Senator Schumer to dream up something original to attack RFK Jr. with? Maybe you should ask the pharmaceutical lobbyist, CCP agents or whomever paid your campaign and is employing you to at least draft up something original to attack him with. It is obvious they are more important to you than the American people after all waiting to the end of the year to attempt to push this CR laden with pork through. Here is an idea, why don’t your four stay in Washington through the Holidays working on this CR in a manner that suits the majority of the American people, let the rank and file off, and wait until they come back to vote on this. Or better yet, why don’t you step aside, a little early in Senator McConnell’s case, and let some adults who value other American’s time and resources do the job you four have so miserably failed at.

Eliminate Daylight Savings Time once and for all! I really do not see any good reason to have it and the argument that farmers have for having more daylight at the end of the day is bull pucky. Farm animals rise with the sun no matter what time it shows on a clock and yes, they roost, go to bed, or whatever animals do when the sun goes down. That is unless they are nocturnal and opposite occurs at sunrise and sunset. If someone has problems with not enough daylight at the end of the day start your day an hour earlier in the summer. If anyone who has had to work outside knows a lot of trade people start their days earlier in the summer to avoid the midday heat. In other words, get up earlier and quit your whining.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.13.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

Wow, the Syrian regime sure fell quickly over the past couple of weeks. There have been so many times in the past that I thought the Assad regime would fall I kind of figured the same would happen again. From my view point I can only attribute the fall this time due to it coming on the heels of Israel’s incursion into southern Lebanon and the election of Donald Trump.

Speaking of Donald Trump I have to say again that it already seems that he is representing the united states of America on the foreign stage. This past weekend it seemed like he was already the President as he sat at the re-opening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. In fact, even the archbishop of Paris came over to shake DJT’s hand. Where in the world is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?

I think it is time Major General Randy Manner to retire or be retired. I have to believe after hearing his comments with Senator Kennedy that he is the fascist and not the MAGA people that you believe are fascist. General you need some perspective and should quit living off the federal teat. If I were the Commander in Chief, I would not trust you for one second to carry out the orders that I have given.  General you are an example of the rot that exists in the Pentagon and have no business leading war fighters.

What is up with the drone swarms and why is the Biden administration ducking and dodging much the same way they ducked and dodged the Chinese surveillance balloon that floated its way all across the united states? There is something not adding up here and it is this sort of bull that I hope the DJT administration can clear up. It is obvious the military and administration are covering something up and just saying we have no idea what these are is ridiculous. Last I checked the military’s number one mission is to protect the homeland, full stop, end of story. The military’s number one mission is not in the Ukraine nor Israel or wherever else it might find itself supporting the CIA and other dark agencies money laundering schemes. Time to get real and I hope it happens with DJT’s administration coming in to office.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had over two dozen confidential informants evidently at the capitol on January 6, 20201. Wow! Shocker there and so now I must ask the question that if this is the number they are willing to declassify how many were really there and what is the number for agents that were there that they are unwilling to declassify? Is it a coincidence that Christopher Wray resigned the day before this report was released? How come we still know nothing of substance regarding the Butler, PA assassination attempt of DJT? Didn’t the FBI take the lead in that investigation. Why do we even pay for the FBI an organization that has become so politicized that it is frightening. Terms like Stasi and FSB come to mind.

It seems that Britain is going to make puberty blockers to under 18 year old people illegal. Now it is time for the same to happen in the united states of America. For goodness’ sake, it is illegal to sell alcohol to those under 21 in most if not all states yet they can get puberty blockers? I get there could be a valid medical reason but I would hazard to guess that most of those receiving them now are not a matter of life and death but rather a vector for big Pharma to push business in support of twisted social ideas.

I had to laugh when I read that Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown came out and discussed how San Francisco and the rest of California has, “…gone beyond the original parameters of the sanctuary state law he signed…”. Well geez Governor Brown do you think so? Do you think the social democrats that usurped, stole, and took power in California may have gone overboard in some other areas as well?

A Boston, Massachusetts high school dean was arrested on drug trafficking recently in the heart of where the corrupt pedophile priest scandal broke decades ago. There certainly is some rot in that city and that I would imagine John Adams is rolling over in his grave yet again. Yet another disaster riddled big city that has been run by Democrats for generations.

Finally, on the eve of the annual Army-Navy football game it seems that someone at West Point tried to smear Pete Hegseth saying that he did not receive an appointment to West Point. Of course, which is a point in Mr. Hegseth’s favor, he was able to produce his appointment letter. Yet another example of the fear that the military elite have of DJT and what he might do and who he might appoint. It is obvious a general at the academy tried to smear Mr. Hegseth because there is no way the announcement would have been made without their consent. What’s more it just further goes to show their arrogance and at worst case their incompetence.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.6.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

I read an article of the Associated Press’ 100 Photos of 2024 and in it a larger percentage of photos of the Gaza war and of climate issues around the world. Not one photo of the damage to Florida or North Carolina from the devastating hurricanes in 2024. If there is any question about the AP being a globalist company pushing a narrative all an American has to do is look at this to add another piece of evidence supporting the nature of the AP.

Speaking of a globalist company I read somewhere that the National Broadcasting Company’s news desk dropped another story on Pete Hegseth that was not flattering or supportive of his nomination to become the next US Secretary of Defense. I have to admit that I was sitting on the fence regarding his nomination up to learning of this story. If NBC News is reporting that Pete Hegseth has problems by reporting on something that may or may not have happened years ago in the spirit of Bret Kavanaugh then I have to support Pete Hegseth.

Yesterday I was flabbergasted at the behavior of the head of the United States Secret Service towards a sitting member of congress. That man should be relieved of all duties right now, end of story, do not pass go just for his improper demeanor and lack of respect for the elected civilian leadership in this country just on its own merits let alone the slow roll, lack of transparency and piss poor performance regarding the protection of Donald Trump in the election. To me, this conversation was an exemplification of the arrogance of the bureaucratic elites in Washington D.C. towards the people of this country.  Ronald Rowe Jr., you were completely out of line and appear to be incompetent and should now be out of a job.

Back to North Carolina and Florida, why did Joe Biden promise $1 billion to Angola while there are people still having to live in tents in North Carolina? Something is wrong here.

So, Hunter Biden has a blanket pardon for a number of years thanks to daddy. I wonder how long it will take Hunter to screw up after daddy is out of office? Perhaps we should form an office pool of sorts picking the month and year that it will happen. I would expect it will be between one and two years and this next time daddy will not be there to bail him out which will be interesting for Hunter.

The American Federation of Government Employees worked out an agreement with Social Security Administration workers to allow remote work through the end of 2029 evidently. Why do government employees have a union? They have guaranteed paychecks, benefits, and retirement so what is the point of a union? Secondly, you have got to be kidding me through 2029?!

Senator Dick Durbin has come out saying that President Trump cannot fire Christopher Wray as head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Get real Senator Durbin and please do not try and gaslight me.

I have not read but have heard of the House report regarding the Federal Government’s response to COVID. Watching to see who all is coming out in opposition to the report including Democrats and Anthony Fauci among them I have to assume the report must have some pretty good analysis of the issues.

I have a sense of unease hearing that Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg have met with Donald Trump in the last week or so in Mar a Lago and or are reaching out to President Elect Trump. These two are certainly backed or have been backed by the deep state and I can only hope that Donald Trump is aware of this fact when meeting with these actors and that good comes out of the meetings.

I have an even greater unease after watching the Central Broadcasting Service’s show, NCIS, in which tactical nuclear weapons were part of the show. It seems that I have been hearing a lot of this recently and I pray that this is not part of a deep state’s information warfare plan to prepare the public for a tactical nuclear weapons attack somewhere in the world, say Ukraine, for instance. This an effort to rally support around the perpetuation of the graft, grift, corruption, and money laundering currently underway on a grand scale in the Ukraine and Israel.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.