Tech Tyranny

I sit down to type today very conscious of the tyranny of the big tech oligopoly. This after watching the news concerning the Senate’s Judiciary Committee and a deep shiver went up and down my spine when Mark Zuckerberg all but admitted that tech companies are colluding and sharing information. That and evidently there is some sort of algorithm or software that is monitoring or sharing data between the big platforms that, in my mind, could be used for mass censorship, deplatforming, and essentially cancelling users without any due process. If I remember right the names mentioned on Tucker Carlson last night were Centra and Tasks. Mark Zuckerberg out and out lied when he said he was too familiar with Centra. Anyone looking at him could tell he was lying. Can I probe it? No, but I know deep inside he was.

Do I expect Congress to do anything about it? Let’s see, lame duck session, Senatorial majority in question, Presidential election in question, massive campaign donations to members of both parties, and who knows what sort of blackmail the tech giants and I would have to say no. Let’s hope for the survival of our democracy that President Trump prevails in his refutation and questioning of this election and that the control of the Senate does not switch parties because then for sure nothing will happen. To be honest I do not expect much to happen either way but at least there will be an outside chance that something will happen to Section 230 and quite frankly, in the case of Tasks, the potential for antitrust charges.

Of course Tasks was probably allowed by DHS, the CIA and or another three letter agency in the fight against terrorism. So, yet again something stinks in this exchange and it smells of corruption and abuse of power.

Speaking of the abuse of power I listened to an interview of retired Air Force LT General Thomas McInerny today and his discussion about voter machines and the software used to run these machines. You have got to be effin’ kidding me!!! There is no doubt now in my mind that this software to be used against foreign adversaries is quite possibly being used against the rank and file US citizen. I am spitting angry that no one is providing a platform for this man. Is this why General Flynn was falsely accused because he knew the potential and possibility of how this was being used? Was he the reason this was not used against the American people effectively last election? Is it because he has been effectively taken out this election cycle that it appears to have been used against us on such a wide scale this election? I wonder how much of this is being obfuscated and hidden under the guise of national security?!? I wonder if there is a connection between big tech and flawed software and hardware in the voting machines?

Now that I have vented and let anyone know how I feel in this moment what really bothers me is I wonder who is recording and archiving all of my movements, posts, searches, and etc. on the internet? I wonder if this will be used against me and my family in the future? Fortunately, I really have never trusted Facebook and even less Twitter and so I do not have too large a footprint on these platforms. But after learning of Tasks and Centra I have to wonder if cookies and other spyware have been put on machines without my knowledge gathering all sorts of data. I wonder how much the huge data centers in Senator Lee and Senator Romney’s Utah and in other states have regarding me? Yes, Mr. Carlson, the hair on my back is standing up, has been standing up and now that it is being confirmed what I consider to be righteous anger and fear have been building in my soul. Fear that I have no privacy and anger that I have no privacy.

Now, I suppose, I will have to actively seek out, find, and implement ways to limit my digital footprint. It is confirmed and though I have left some breadcrumbs just to see who might be watching my activities as I have suspected for at least a decade I can now confirm that Facebook and Twitter have. So, I now have to assume that Google, Amazon, the NSA, CIA and or FBI also have been tracking m and that certain groups probably even have record of my specific votes. It turns my stomach and further erodes my faith in the system which just seems to be so so very corrupt.

Additionally, I am still waiting for some consequences to be doled out to Comey and Clapper. Do I have a lot of faith that it will be doled out? No, and it further serves to make me sick. IF I had done what some of these people seem to have done I would be busting rocks in Leavenworth. But then again Hilary Clinton and all of her minions are still walking free so no big surprise.

Scam at the Fringes

I remember many years ago reading a newspaper, when there was still some actual journalism happening and not propaganda, about some people who were arrested for a unique scam. In the scam, if I remember right some bankers and or accountants set up a scam in which they shaved fractions of cents off of financial transactions which in large transactions or spread over a huge amount of transactions and deposited these fractions of cents were deposited into bank accounts controlled by the scammers. At first glance one would not think that would amount to a whole lot of money but since I am an engineer and work with numbers I will provide an easy example. Let me state that these are not the actual figures of the scam but for the sake of this argument I am presenting a simplified example.

Say for instance one is brokering a $1,000,000 transaction in which their firm charges a 10% commission. That means the brokerage firm that the accountants and bankers work with will get a $100,000 commission. If say, for instance, 1/10th of a cent is shaved digitally during the transaction of the commissions then if a penny is 1/100 of a dollar then 1/10th of the 1/100th means 1/1000th of the $100,000 is shaved or $100 is shaved. From this I say ok, no big deal, a hundred dollars will fill two of my cars up with gas with some left over to get a weeks’ worth of groceries. Please do not get me wrong I would not be happy losing the $100 but compared to the overall transaction the $100 is actually 1/10,000 of the original $1,000,000.

Where this scam becomes interesting is when there are many separate and un related transactions occurring in which this 1/10th of a cent is shaved and collected into this account or several accounts controlled by the same group of scammers. In the United States I am sure there are more than hundreds of millions if not billions of transactions happening on any given day. For the sake of this argument let’s say a $100 million dollars is transacted and 1/10,000 or this $100 million is $10,000. If a billion dollars is transacted in a day 1/10,000 of the one billion is $100,000. Now we are looking at some serious money that was made in a single day by shaving off the edges of the hundreds if not thousands of financial transactions occurring without anyone really noticing for a significant length of time. The malfeasance and illegal activity of the conspirators did not attract the notice of regulators and law enforcement for significant amount of time.

Why do I bring this scam up on a blog dedicated to the Constitution you may ask? Well, I will answer your question, it is because I cannot get this scam out of my head observing the events of the past months that have culminated with the election this past week. Specifically, the calls by the press and Democrats asking for proof of election fraud and making statements that there is no wide spread voter fraud. When I began to hear of this the previous mentioned fraud was the first thought that came to mind. Number one there is increasing evidence of election fraud. This is substantiated by the fact the numbers of people beginning to sign affidavits to the fact that they witnessed fraud, coercion, and lack of transparency belies this fact.

Secondly, I would like to posit that there may be wide spread and organized fraud hid in plain sight. Hid in plain sight similar to the fraud committed by bankers, computer programmers, and accountants in the scam I mentioned. It is just too convenient that a voter machine switched votes from President Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan that would not have been caught had it not switched a traditionally Republican district and someone actually looked into the switch. It is my understanding that this machine is used in over thirty states and let us say for instance 1/10,000 of the votes were switched to Joe Biden. Would anyone notice?

To imagine a scenario in which 30 states has this happen and 140 million people total in the country voted. If 3/5 of the states have this machine this would mean 3/5 of 140 million people is 84 million people. If 1/10,000 of these 84 million votes were switched this would mean 8,400 votes were switched and no one would notice. If 1/1,000 of the votes were switched this would mean 84,000 votes were switched and no one would notice because they are spread over thirty states and multiple counties. In this election there are more than thirty states who used this machine and in states with large populations.

Now, we have in some of the large cities controlled by Democratic Party machines where there are allegations of so many different types of fraud and we can see that taken each type of fraud individually it does not appear to include large significant numbers that could change the outcome of the election. You know the argument that 10 votes here and a 100 votes there will not be enough to change the election.

What bothers me is like the scam I presented below we may not be looking at the forest because looking at only the 10 votes here and the 100 votes there we are just looking at trees. These 10 votes here, 100 votes there, 12,500 votes dumped overnight in a counting center, 4,500 votes flipped by a computer program written by a company with definite managerial ties to prominent Democrat politicians, who knows how many votes counted without Republicans able to verify a legal count, states changing laws to benefit mail in ballots which are subsequently counted without signature verification without observation, states Attorney General’s changing signature verification requirements, a complicit Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and mainstream media, COVID and it becomes easy to see that there is a pattern. A pattern in which suddenly, to me, it becomes plausible and within the realm of reason that the criminal Democratic Party organization could be pulling of a massive fraud against our country. This vote is so close that all of these seemingly unconnected “small” events could add up and that we of the United States are being duped and having our freedoms being stolen from us in broad daylight.

I do not accept the results of this election as it stands at this moment. This apparent fraud must be investigated and shown to not be fraud for me to accept the results. Do I expect the DOJ to open a RICO Investigation? No, I would imagine there is a snow ball’s chance in Hawaii of that happening. I notice the press is ramping up their reporting of the COVID spike on the heels of the COVID immunization announcement. States are beginning to shut down again and I cannot help but be cynical that the political class is using COVID yet again to shut down large public gatherings as opposition to the election results grows.

Now I hear calls to just accept the elections and agree that changing the voting process needs to happen from conservative sources. What?!?!? No! This is the type of acquiescing that has gotten us into this situation. Do you think the Democrat Socialists will allow the voting process to be changed in a way that disfavors them? It will be uncomfortable to stand up to the thugs, crooks, and bullies. Let me tell you that it was not comfortable for me to train, go and live in Afghanistan wearing my countries uniform. To you conservatives who want to just throw in the towel I say grow some fortitude because if you do not my time in the military for nothing!!!


To be legitimate or not to be legitimate seems to be the question at hand in our country at the moment. Of course, I speak of the most recent elections held last Tuesday, November 3, 2020. This after Joe Biden and the media have begun pushing the agenda that Mr. Biden has won the election.

Sitting at my kitchen table letting my fingers push a key pad I am left wondering if my country and its institutions are nothing but a charade to prop up a corrupt, self-serving, parasitic ruling class in this country. A class that has no party affiliation other than to perpetuate their power and their families.

Let me state first and foremost that I do not recognize Joe Bidden as the President Elect any more than I recognize President Trump as the President Elect. What I do recognize is that everything about this election has a certain stench about it and I am starting to think that there is a vast attempt to disenfranchise me and, quite honestly, many other Americans.

It is my opinion that the big city political machines need to be destroyed and efforts must be made to ensure they never gain the power that they apparently still have. These political machines from New York to Baltimore to San Francisco including Chicago and other Democrat Party run cities in between have corrupted and laid waste to once great and vibrant cities and states. These political machines have created nothing more than a class of gentrified leeches and cheats who live off of the carcasses of these once great cities and states. Now, like a tape worm growing inside the guts of their host they want to spread their corruption to the White House and fundamentally change the whole country. It is time, if we want to save this constitutional republic, that we must first ascertain a proper diagnosis of the parasite so that a proper treatment to eliminate this parasite can be prescribed.

I do not care how many weeks it takes to sort out the allegations of fraud in the contested states so that only legal votes are counted. If a vote was received late, was of a dead person, or if machines had their software changed to miscount votes in favor of Joe Biden or even, quite frankly President Trump, then this needs to be rooted out and it needs to be rooted out now! This is not a can to be kicked down the road until a future date which is so often the default of the parasitical class. If you expect me to consider this election as legitimate then you need to convince me that this is a legitimate election! Oh and just because the Justice Department doing an investigation their findings alone will not convince me. As I wait for the Durham report and considering how little of the Justice Department’s bureaucracy has turned over since the Obama administration there are doubts in my mind at just how effective they can be.

These are dangerous times because if I am questioning the legitimacy of the election then how many others out there are coming to similar if not the same conclusions. I have to question returns that have what appears to be a very corrupt politician being propped up by what appears to be very corrupt political machines in corrupt cites and being protected by a corrupt media class who happens to be headquarted in many of these corrupt cities and states. Now we have members of these same big city parasites in both the media and government calling for the blacklisting of Trump staffers and supporters? This type of rhetoric is moving our republic down a path that does not have a good ending. Then again, perhaps this is the truly the end game of this minority of parasites which is to sow discord and create anarchy?

This comes back to what many consider to be chaos and uncertainty regarding the election and its results for me. It is better to ensure that the election is fair and that any votes cast illegally have been disqualified and endure the potential chaos that comes from a fair election than to go further down a road that delegitimizes our republic. After all I quite certain the loudest opposition to a fair election are those who would seek to delegitimize the republic and install a government more suitable to their ends. Ends that certainly are not beneficial to the population and country as a whole.

Yes, a constitutional crisis may ensue in which court precedent may need to be set. It will not be the first time this has happened and I pray to God I hope it is not the last time that it will happen. The Constitution was purposely made to be a living document so that it could change and flex as our nation aged and times changed. However, it was not made to be so flexible that it could be bent shaped and broken according to the whims of a small group of elite parasites. If we, as a nation, expect this republic to live what better time than right now to ensure that our elections are fair, clean, and legal? May the parasitical class thugs who are threatening violence if the election does not go their way carry through with their threats of coercion? Yes, they probably will and they should be held accountable. However, if the election is not shown to be legitimate we could presumably begin to see the disintegration of the republic in ways that will make the agitations of these thugs seem very minor in comparison.

I thank President Trump and his team for standing up to the bullies and thugs in the big city political machines and their lackeys in the press. For if President Trump will not stand up then who will? I know it certainly will not be the likes of Mitt Romney and the other RINOS in the Republican Party and most certainly not from the other side of the aisle in the Democrat Socialist Party ranks.

November 5, 2020 Observations

So, on Wednesday morning the remaining states who had not been called were Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina and now maybe even Arizona but for the sake of this conversation I will not bring up Arizona. Except for Georgia every state has a Democratic governor. Likewise, except for Georgia and Nevada every state mentioned has a Democratic Attorney General. Does it make anyone else a little uneasy that the potential for these states that are closely contested to not get a fair representation on both sides of the aisle? Once again, the perception of fairness in the election is hard to maintain. Then with accusations of Republicans not being allowed to observe ballot counting in Michigan and Pennsylvania after massive ballot dumps one begins to question the legitimacy of an election that already reeks of illegitimacy. Especially when, as in the case of Michigan, one hears of a 100,000 plus ballot dump in which 100% of the vote went for Joe Bidden. The only thing I have to say to that is, “yeah right”.

Yesterday I took a drive around the Registrar of Voters in one of the counties in one of the contested states. The front of the county building which houses the Registrar of Voter office was filled with reporters and the parking lot their cars. I must admit there was a certain foreboding feeling coming from the space. I can only hope that strong, fair minded, objective people will rule the day in their counting and reporting of the election results. That all legal ballots are counted and that every rightful voter has their opinion recorded.

A Portland Drive By

I see, this morning, that Ted Wheeler has won his reelection as the mayor of Portland. This after allowing riots and the destruction of businesses in Portland all summer. So, I think it is time to write about Portland because after this election cycle my view of the country and this leftist movement is solidifying and the use of Communism/Marxism/Progressivism to destroy the middle class is on full display in the city of Portland.

Why Portland you may ask? Well for starters the Portland area is the home of Nike and my readers ask why I bring attention to Nike? Nike is somewhere around a $15-20 billion dollar international behemoth who it has been shown has factories in none other than China. The next piece of evidence that I would like to point out is, since the Michael Jordan era, Nike has become the prime sponsor of the National Basketball Association (NBA) along with numerous other sporting events, franchises, leagues and etc. Looking at the balance sheets Nike revenue far surpasses that of the NBA so much so that one really could call the NBA the Nike Basketball Association. The NBA who organizationally and certainly had some of its most popular players embrace Black Live Matter an overtly and openly Marxist organization.

So back to Portland, the re-election of its mayor, the home town of Antifa, the site of continued leftist rioting despite the re-election of its leftist mayor, and the home of Nike with its deep ties to Communist China. Is there a pattern developing here? I wonder? I know there is no criminality on the surface and being a Constitutionalist everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our system of justice. However, this is not the case in China and we must, as members of our democracy, remain ever vigilant for all enemies both foreign and domestic. To me, in the city of Portland, the coincidences are adding up and I am beginning to wonder if these really are not coincidental.

No Man’s Land

I sit this morning with all media turned off to be with my thoughts, impressions, and prayers as I try and make sense of the election day and the four years leading up to yesterday and today. It is quiet but it is not a peaceful quiet. I am recollecting and pondering what I consider to be our nation’s first virtual election its implications today and potentially going forward. The nearest example to this eerie silence is the eerie silence that I have experienced before battle commences in military field exercises and the silence one experiences just before going outside the wire in a hostile combat zone. A sort of no man’s land in which anything could happen. The silence that one hopes they have all their kit in order and that their training will be sufficient for any contingency and that help will be close enough should contact be made. However, one difference today that I sense is I am not sure where or if there will be any help.

Let me state up front that I call this our nation’s first virtual election because as I recall the events of the last several years I am waking up even more to the corrupting influence Silicon Valley is having on our nations media, political class, and business in general. I will also state up front that it is not just Silicon Valley that is the corrupting influence but rather the dark unholy marriage between Silicon Valley’s vast financial resources with the corrupt political, media and business classes in our country.

In the last several weeks an expanded vision of corruption and the extent to which the vile nefarious wraith like influence of Silicon Valley’s influence has dawned in my consciousness. The vision of Jack Dorsey’s hollow sunken distracted eyes set in his hollow cheeked scraggly bearded face has haunted me since watching him get grilled by Senator Cruz. The brazen disrespect as exemplified by what I consider to be statements bordering on perjury regarding Twitter’s policies regarding posts and accounts that they ban and the reasons they do so just rang hallow to me. It took nearly another week for Twitter to remove their ban on the New York Post’s reporting of the Hunter Bidden laptop. It appears to me that Jack Dorsey considers himself to be above the law.

The next idea or realization that occurred to me is looking geographically where the most left leaning politicians in the country reside and represent relative to Silicon Valley. Obviously, we have Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, Kamala Harris from Oakland, California. Two cities within a half hour drive of Silicon Valley when traffic is not too congested. Then radiate outward from here my mind goes to Hollywood a mere one hour flight from Silicon Valley which is represented by none other than Adam Schiff. And to the north we go to Portland another hour’s flight from Silicon Valley and finally up to Seattle maybe another half hour flight beyond Portland. Spreading east over time we have seen Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and other states gradually leaning and going more left with passing time.  This year we have witnessed vast and huge sums of money being poured into political races throughout the country to include the South Carolina and Iowa Senate races. Where did this money come from?

I witnessed the Dot Com bubble and bust in the 1990’s and in fact participated peripherally in many of the conversations and actually embraced the advent of the internet and personal computing. I used an Intel based 286 computer to type up some of the first work packages, letters, and data base manipulations for my work and loved the flexibility and power that if provided at the tip of my fingertips. Using the Intel based 386 computer I explored the internet for the first time setting up an email account and communicating with my local universities servers I thought I was the mater of my own universe.

I remember visiting friends in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990’s and the energy and euphoria of the boom were palpable as one could almost taste the excitement and buzz surrounding the amount of wealth being created and generated. My friend’s wife started to work for a startup company and part of her compensation package was options on the company’s stock as promises were made, co-workers were investing their money in tech stocks expecting to retire at the age of thirty, and on and on and on. I remember noting the apparent, even then, ruthless competition to acquire talent as campuses were being created to keep employees satisfied and the vast sums of money being thrown at engineers to entice them to work for these companies. All the while property values and the cost of living in the San Francisco Bay Area continued to up and up and up.

Of course, this all came crashing down wiping out many life savings in the process and bankrupting countless internet and tech startups as it probably should. It is the way of business and only the strongest survived. To survive the slaughterhouse of the late nineties I will also submit that not only were some of these companies the strongest but some of them were the most ruthless. For instance, Amazon emerged taking out whole industries starting with brick and mortar book sellers. I will admit that Amazon is much more efficient at moving product than the traditional book seller but I am one who enjoyed the physical act of going to a store that smelled of new books, where one could browse many genres of books, and where one could sit down and manually flip through pages scanning and deciding if this was the right purchase for me. It was not a virtual experience illuminated by photons emanating from a computer screen. The survivors of this onslaught came out stronger, with increased market share, and began accumulating wealth beyond imagination.

What does one do when they have accumulated so much wealth that they do not know what to do with it? Personally, I do not know as I have not experienced this in this lifetime. But I have observed people like Bill and Melinda Gates building an expansive mansion near Seattle and starting a Foundation. I have seen Jeff Bezos continue to expand his reach into media, food, back to setting up brick and mortar store fronts, and seemingly reach to become the wealthiest man in the world. Google has quietly acquired countless companies while becoming a verb along with the most visited search engine on the internet. Facebook, to me is a time suck and quite honestly is drug like. I have spent some time on Facebook and have been shocked at how quickly the time has gone by engaging in conversations, reading posts, and making posts. Mark Zuckerberg has been quiet with where he spends his money at least from my point of view Twitter, on the other hand, sort of came out of nowhere in my world as I was already becoming disillusioned with the internet and all things Silicon Valley when they broke on the scene. And after seeing Jack Dorsey’s wraithlike drug fueled eyes I am glad I have not given Twitter much of my time or energy.

Where do they spend their money? Though I do not direct proof as I do not have the resources to thoroughly investigate my suspicions it has dawned on me that there is a pattern developing and patterns that I am suspicious of. First off, there is a rise in left wing Democratic politicians on the national stage who are from California. Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and Adam Schiff come to mind. Second, California is now a one party state and this has happened since the rise of Silicon Valley wealth. Nevada, Oregon, Washington are just about one party states and this shift has all happened since the wealth of Silicon Valley has been accumulated. The largest beneficiaries of the COVID 19 crisis has been Silicon Valley and their monopoly on virtual communications platforms and shopping. How many hundreds of millions of dollars of money were poured into Democratic Party candidate’s coffers? To me there is only one industry that can support the type of funding across the country and in the manner that the money was spent and the industry is tech and the media outlets it supports and is in collusion with. Have we, as a country, entered the land of Mordor in which the ever present eye of Sauron could fall upon us at any time and deploy his wraiths to do his bidding?

I know see the lines more clearly now and it frightens me. I am frightened and awestruck at the lengths these people will apparently go to maintain their power and influence. I now have to question the legitimacy of some conspiratorial theories that COVID 19 was a creation of an alliance between international leftists in the United States and the Chinese Communist Party to ensure President Trump is not reelected as possibly being correct. It seems while the majority of the people are in isolation a great power grab is being undertaken by leftist elites who are more than willing to censor, further isolate, black mail, and threaten violence in order to lead our country into a leftist collective hell hole ruled by an ever shrinking minority. If President Trump loses this election it will be a close loss and I have to wonder had there not been COCID 19 in which the Joe Biden campaign literally was able to get massive virtual support through television commercials, Silicon Valley censorship and suppression, media suppression of relevant news while in person meetings were limited if not outright banned by Democrat Governors in the battleground state would President Trump have won by a landslide? Would President Trump have clearly won once Democratic strongholds with ease? Again, with COVID 19 restrictions in place this election became a virtual election that played into the hands of Silicon Valley and their surrogates at the expense of freedom.

Random Musings 10.20.2020

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I have been quiet the past couple of weeks because I, quite frankly, need a break from all of the junk on the news coming from both sides. However, I just watched the Clint Eastwood story of Richard Jewell, the security guard initially accused of planting the bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Needless to say, the movie left me angry and reminded me and brought my mind back to current events. Specifically, what brought my attention back is how in the story and unholy alliance between and FBI agent and a member of the press unleashed a witch hunt on an innocent man. An innocent man who was smeared and whose family was put through a press fueled ringer. All this for a crime committed by a man who later plead guilty to the crime.

So, if this happened more than 24 years ago how am I to believe, in today’s world anything that the FBI or government bureaucrats say? How am I to be expected to believe anything that the media says? So, now we have the FBI who spied on citizen and President Trump based on trumped up (all pun intended) charges when they claim Russian interference is responsible for Hunter Biden’s computer being left at a computer repair shop? How am I to believe all the major press outlets print and digital with the exception of Fox News and the New York Post? How am I supposed to believe all who appear to be in an all-out blitz to prevent President Trump from being reelected?

Oh yes, has anyone else found it fascinating that COVID cases are on the rise within mere weeks of the election?

Governor Newsome is now recommending that Thanksgiving celebrations in California? I am shaking my head.

I also have been traveling and have in fact flow into and a little out of the swamp of Washington DC in the last week and perhaps this is why I can not longer avoid the news and have to write something. It seeps out of the television and where I am staying, I am seeing BLM t shirts and hats being worn by people openly. I have to admit that my first thoughts are to ask if the people wearing them understand that they are supporting a Marxist organization?

Also, I have been watching CSPAN 2 the last couple of mornings and have to admit that I am unsure what to say. On one morning being interviewed by Karen Tumotty of the Washington Post were the coauthors of a book called Presidents, Populism, and Crisis of Democracy: Terry Moe and William Howell. This morning a woman named Tara McGowen was one of the people being interviewed and each morning the named people were Progressive apologists and supporters of the Progressive movement. Again, I felt a visceral reaction as these people are quite eloquent and truly believe in what they are saying. To be honest this is what frightens me. This frightens me because I do not believe these intellectuals really give a rip about me nor do they understand the laws of physics. I think these people truly believe that because they say something it is true and if anyone disagrees with them, they will do whatever it takes to suppress opposing views. Perhaps, they are being paid by Facebook, Google, and or Amazon? This is a small example of the problem that exists in our institutes of higher learning. Their minds are made up and using circular logic they are professing to know what is best for me.

Good on the Justice Department for filing a suit against Google. I am still waiting to see how people who ran a coup against a duly elected President are going to pay for their crimes.

I think I may have a new byline for my home page, and it is going to be something like, “Eventually the laws of physics will trump the laws of man”. The question is when and in what form will the laws of physics push back and slap the laws of man in the face?

Random Musings 10.8.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I will not Zoom my Thanksgiving dinner! F*&k you CDC and any others who would even suggest this. I am my family consist of responsible adults who can make their own choices. Go back to being good little bureaucrats and keep your noses out of my business because you are no longer scientists.

So, the Presidential Commission on Debates wants to have a virtual debate because of COVID fears. Hmm, let me see I wonder if I could have backed out of my deployment to Afghanistan because of my fear of being killed? No, I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and so I did my duty. Excuse me Commissioners the Presidential Election is guaranteed by the Constitution and your fears of COVID ring hallow to me. Wear PPE and if you get it, the odds are you will not die. The numbers just do not back it up. Besides President Trump obviously has beaten it and so will not be in danger.

I think it is a great thing that the FBI broke up the plot against the Michigan Governor. I do not agree with any one of her policies but there is a way to legally remove her from office and that is the way to go about it in my opinion. Now, why can they not bring charges against the members of the Justice Department who plotted a coup against the duly elected President of the United States and arrest the bastards who committed these seditious acts?

Grandma Nancy Pelosi will not pass any COVID relief because she cannot get her pork passed? Good for you President Trump!

Random Musings 9.30.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

Since I was working at something last night, I missed the beginning of the Presidential Debate. I did listen to it on my drive home and watched the last half hour or so once I got home. I have the following comments:

Chris Wallace pinged on President Trump and certainly was not objective. He even seemed to bail Joe Biden out more than once.

The debate format stunk.

President Trump never once mentioned draining the swamp. I hope he has not become a permanent denizen.

Joe Biden was either very well rested or on some sort of drugs.

I think the Trump team should bring some radio jamming equipment with them next time. At times it looked like Joe Biden was listening to someone for his response and a simple visual inspection is not enough to confirm the presence or absence of an earpiece. Surgically implanted? Perhaps.

Random Musings 9.18.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I cannot believe so much time has passed since my last post already. This especially considering all the events that have happened and so much that could be commented on. Then again perhaps it is because all the events going on that have prevented me from typing.

In my part of the world we have been sucking California’s smoke for literally the last month except for three days. Today is one of the relatively smoke free days and maybe that is a reason for me doing some typing.

Hmm, it seems that Senator John Thune is partners with Senator Lee in supporting and protecting big tech. Senator Thune why don’t you just confirm President Trump’s FCC nomination? I wonder how much they have paid you, your campaign, and or one or some of your constituents. Are you a RINO or just a greedy bastard?

And the cheat by mail fraud scandal continues on with Pennsylvania and Michigan being the latest characters to join in the plot.

I hear that the State of Nevada Governor (Steve Sisolak) is now withholding coronavirus relief funds from the county that hosted President Trump last weekend. What a petty little man.

Talk about another petty man and petty dictator the mayor of Nashville is another one. I just cannot help but wonder how many more of the petty men and women in positions of power are doing the same?

I finally got around to taking my NFL, MLB, and NBA teams off of my DVR list. The next things for me to do are to cancel my Netflix subscription and shutdown my Google accounts.

I wonder if Prince Harry knew what Meghan Markle was really about when he married her? I would think that Marxism flies in the face of all that his family stands for but then again, he did step back from his official duties.