Random Musings on Current Events 9.23.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Vladimir Putin has declared that he is mobilizing reserve forces in Russia and reiterated his statement that he will use nuclear weapons if he feels it necessary to protect Mother Russia. Well, to me there is nothing new in this statement. What is surprising to me is the feigned shock being displayed by our so called incompetent leaders in this country and the west.

Queen Elizabeth II has been eulogized and interned this week and for me as well as many others she will always be known as The Queen despite my owing nor professing any allegiance to her nor will I to King Charles III. I will simply call him King Charles or Charles Windsor. I do so not out of respect nor disrespect but rather, probably, out of ease of communication, efficiency and my ambivalence to the notion of aristocracy. Perhaps I should not be quite so ambivalent because there is a class of people in the US and world who still consider themselves to be aristocratic and above the law. This would be the class of people who are the so called leaders in government, business, and media who tell me directly and through their controlled surrogates that I am a worthless piece of dung while they jet around the world on their jets, yachts and limousines. I would imagine that they will have plenty of food and be warm this winter. After all this is attitude of efficiency, ease, and ambivalence is their attitude toward me which probably is giving them too much credit if I think twice about it.

I watched replays of the procession from Westminster Castle to Westminster Cathedral and from the cathedral to Windsor Castle’s St. George Cathedral and took note of Harry and his not being allowed to be in uniform and as well his Uncle Prince despite each of them having been in combat. It is a strange world and I would trust Harry more than I would William despite knowing and understanding why he did not serve his time in combat. Then again, I suppose Charles sees the writing on the wall and knows that he needs to trim up the family because the business will be under attack in the next many months if not years.

Speaking of which, the other day someone asked me if I think the monarchy is a good thing and should survive the death of Queen Elizabeth II? My response was a bit muddled and at times incoherent but nevertheless I did manage a bit of an extemporaneous reply. I acknowledged that the English Bill of Rights from which the US Bill of Rights was derived was developed to curb the power of the monarchy and for that reason I believe everyone should be wary of someone or one institution or cabal of institutions developing absolute power. For this reason, I am wary of the monarchy and at the same time I am aware of the growing power of Big Tech and the International Elites and how we should fight as if our lives depended upon the rights guaranteed us in the Bill of Rights and our Constitution as if our lives depended upon them. Because quite frankly, they do.

On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II and her reign were a relatively benign reign and she was not too interested in amassing power for herself but in turn provided a sense of stability, a sense of history, and a sense of formality midst a world that seems to be intent on destroying or forgetting. Again, I have mixed emotions of this and wonder why we as humans are drawn to this, if it is necessary, and at the same feel a certain wonderment about it. It seems almost hypnotic and yet comforting at the same time.

The Clinton Global Initiative is back for the first time 2016. What is going on here? I wonder why the Clinton’s are ramping up their money laundering machine yet again? It seems there will be a host of celebrities in attendance as well. Celebrities that I will no longer watch, listen to, and especially purchase anything of again. Yes, I am speaking especially to you Bono.

I will say one good thing that has come out of The Woman King’s release this past weekend is how much uproar within the left there is about the Dahomey tribe’s involvement in the slave trade. As for the movie I will not pay nor will I take the time to watch it ever. So much of the unoriginal drivel being pumped out of Hollywood is woke garbage based not on fact but on ideology. I watched the latest Lord of the Rings spin off and the warrior leaders are women and women of color. I am sorry but in combat, and there are a few exceptions to the rule, women, in general, are not going to last too long no matter what Hollywood says. I would imagine the real Woman King always had a guard of male warriors around her.

It provides me a sense of relief, albeit temporary, to see that the Firth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the Texas bill allowing users to sue social media platforms if one feels their accounts have been wrongfully suspended or censored. Of course, I would assume this will go to the Supreme Court. What is disturbing is the level of corruption in Congress that has allowed this censorship to happen in the first place. Again, I call for the removal of Section 530 protections! However, since Congress seems incapable of doing so it appears Texas will.

I think Senator Graham is in the same camp as Senator McConnell and wants to work in the minority in Congress. After all, why would he make abortion a federal issue when it already has been settled by the Supreme Court that put the decision regarding abortion with states? Go home you neoconservative lap dog and keep your mouth shut until after the election for goodness sakes.

President Biden is addressed the UN General Assembly and all I heard was blah blah blah. He was either hooped up on drugs or they have the mean and serious looking double delivering the speech. Blah blah blah, Ukraine this, Russia that, the right to freedom of navigation and blah blah blah. How does any of this help me fill my vehicles gas tank up or have enough money for food? Blah blah blah and watch your step on the way out.

The illegal immigrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard are booted after one day. Hypocrisy on full display. What is good for you does not apply to me so says the Democrat elites.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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