Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.
I am laughing today at the complete and total overreaction of Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton (I thought she had been put out to pasture), and other Democrat’s outrage at Governors DeSantis and Abbot transporting illegal immigrants to “sanctuary cities”. It is even more hilarious that the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was the transport of a couple of handfuls of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Talk about Democrat hypocrisy being on full display. How about the millions of illegal immigrants being allowed to cross our countries southern borders you hypocrites? In the meantime, I need to take a moment to allow the ache from laughter in my midsection to subside.
Apparently, the number of Democrat candidates is growing around the country who are unwilling to debate their Republican opponents in debates this election season. I find it interesting that with all the reports of Democrats distancing themselves from President Biden these Democrats are following his basement campaign strategy. Perhaps, they are unwilling to debate because they know the fix is already in and do not want to risk overwhelming the fix with an increase in voters against their campaigns after potential bad showings in debates?
I just paid my Waste Management garbage pickup bill that is mandated by my county whether I use Waste Management’s services or not. I know in the good interest of good sanitation and cleanliness it is vitally important for garbage to be collected, however, what I am not comfortable with is my county giving essentially what amounts to a monopoly franchise for this service. Waste Management not only picks up garbage but they also control the transfer sites and landfill. On top of this their customer service really is not that good. I often wonder how they became so big and connected?
With all the money and aid that is being promised to Ukraine and knowledge of Hunter Biden’s murky ties to Ukraine, along with other high level Democrats, I cannot help but wonder how much of that taxpayer money is making it back to secret offshore accounts belonging to these Democrats and their cronies.
Major credit card companies are adding a category showing gun store purchases. I guess it is time to stop using my credit cards for anything. Unfortunately, all my credit cards are from these same companies. I wonder what I am going to do going forward because I certainly do not want to support these companies anymore.
Personally, it has been a long and difficult week and I am going to hoist and enjoy immensely a cold amber ale from one of my local breweries.
God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.