Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I must decide if I want to spend the money to continue this blog. This blog that is read by few and far between and lately half of them are in mainland China. Evidently, I am circling somewhere over the target, at least relative to my ramblings concerning China and the Chinese Communist Party, otherwise, why would they be watching me? Yes, I assume in is the government of China that is watching me with no proof because I firmly believe that there is nothing that happens in China without the explicit or implicit approval of the government.

I learned that the net worth of Jerome Powell in the two years that he has been chairman of the US Federal Reserve has seen his net worth grow from $20 million to over $60 million. This while my net worth and standard of living has shrunk during this same time period. How is it that a man who creates no value whatsoever but merely oversees an organization that essentially is devaluing the value of currency more than triples his net worth? Does anyone else see something fundamentally wrong with this?

Speaking of rich people, smoke and mirrors, and hypocrisy. It seems that the number of private jets flying into Davos has skyrocketed for the meeting of the worlds uber elite. This and they are requesting pilots who have not participated in the mRNA injection experiment and will be serving beef at the meetings and restaurants surrounding the meeting areas. Why do we collectively give our freedoms and power over to these self-aggrandizing, selfish hypocrites who do not give a rip about our standards of living? 

I read yet another Associated Press (AP) report and this report is on the storms that keep rolling into the US west coast. As per script the article details some of the trials and tribulations of Californian’s this winter to include flooding, heavy mountain snows, and the Los Angeles River, among other coastal California rivers running unabated into the Ocean. As per script the article had the obligatory sentence blaming this all on climate change. As per script I rolled my eyes how fires, drought, flooding, winter storms are all due to climate change. Well, duh, the climate did change when the Hua Tonga Tonga Volcano ejected water vapor and ash to the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere last January only mankind had nothing to do with it.

It seems the drums of war keep beating without any change in their tempo. Now the US and NATO are sending tanks, more money, and whatever else to the Ukrainian NAZI fascist. This while natural gas prices rise in the US because ours is being shipped to Europe. This because a war was started by the west and Russia shut off Europe’s natural gas and the west sabotaged another pipeline from Russia. It seems that Fascism is alive and well in the West, a portion of the world that ostensibly destroyed fascism in World War II.

Speaking of fascism, Davos, and their intersection apparently the Chairmen of Siemens, the huge multinational conglomerate that even includes the once venerable Westinghouse, a company of US origins, apparently feels that a billion people need to stop eating meat. OK, so what he is saying is that he needs a billion undernourished servants who will not have the energy to question that he and others like him dictate. I am supposed to believe a man who is chairman of the board of yet another company that flourished underneath the fascist German Nazi’s is altruistic and has my best interests in mind when he spews his venomous, inciting, and condescending drivel?

Now Green Berets are being arrested for trafficking illicit drugs from Central and South America. Add them to the inglorious list that includes Navy SEALS. It seems that the collapse of the United States is nigh now that our elite warrior class has also been corrupted.

Personally, I know that I need to step up my spiritual practice because the institutions that I once held in high regard are no more. Perhaps it was a mistake in the first place to hold these institutions in high regard because as Moses said, “We must hold no false idols before God”. Perhaps I did not hold my God in high enough regard and so now I must step up my practice. This because mankind’s leadership is certainly failing and appears to be on the road to mass destruction.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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