Random Musings on Current Events 9.27.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

Oh my Liz Cheney is pining for a new conservative party in the Unites States. More like a re-branding of the Neo Con party for elites. After all Dick and Liz have endorsed Kamala Harris. Geez, whose side are they on?

Speaking of Neocons it seems Senator Graham is calling out and emphasizing the threat to Donald Trump from the Iranians as anti-Iranian rhetoric is ramping up in the media and as Israel has turned it eye north and is attacking the Iranian backed Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is frightening to me because I can easily see the potential for something to happen in the US and Iran be blamed for it in order to draw the US into overt war against Iran. In the meantime I will pray that if there are plans of the Neo Cons and Deep State folks to do something nefarious that it is quashed before it manifests. Too many coincidences are currently lining up to make me feel at ease.

Kamala Harris is skipping the Al Harris dinner and is the first candidate in decades to skip this dinner. Normally I would not give a whit about this because it is in New York City and as far as I am concerned New York City brands themselves as the be all to end all and I will admit there has been reason for this, however, New York may as well be a foreign country to me. However, Kamala Harris skipping out on this is telling. She either does not have the capacity for extemporaneous conversation, is vehemently anti-Christian and Catholic, or all of the above plus more. My guess is that her handlers are terrified of what she might do. Who knows?

Interesting that the union that IRS workers belong to has endorsed Kamala Harris. Interesting that Barrack Obama was famous for organizing the Service Employees Union that represents many government employees. Interesting the union such as the Teamsters who organize workers in the private sector will not endorse Kamala Harris. Yet another pieces of evidence that big government supports Barack, oops, Kamala Harris.

I found it interesting that French President Macron has shuffled his cabinet to include many so called center right and conservative members but this includes no one from Marine LePen’s party. Interesting that it appears to be a maneuver to co-opt LePen’s movement at some level. I wonder if the gambit will pay off for Mr. Macron?

So, as if they have nothing else to worry about, Sir Keir Starmer’s government is cracking down on pubs in the UK at the same time he is reducing pensioner’s winter fuel allotments. Doesn’t this seem reminiscent of the COVID lock downs in which people could not publicly gather. What is Sir Keir concerned about? Is he afraid that as his constituents are ripping darts and slamming beers, they might actually talk bad about his government and himself? Perhaps the Islamic element in the UK’s government have finally gained enough power to reduce a mainstay of English society in which the English socialize and that they frown upon because it is against Sharia Law to partake in? Whatever the reason, and I am not much of a drinker, the reason cited, public health, seems like a bunch of gas lighting on the surface to me.

So, New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams is under indictment ostensibly for accepting an upgrade to first class on a flight by interests of Turkey about a year after he called out how the resettling of illegal immigrants was taxing the city of New York’s resources. This indictment coming from the same DOJ that has indicted Donald Trump. Hmm, not that Eric Adams is a saint but something sure is fishy with this. I guess it does not pay to call out the Harris/Biden administration in public, even if one is a liberal Democrat.

I sure wish Paul Pelosi would start a newsletter for us less connected investors. His track record of investing success is phenomenal and I sure would pay a little to make the kind of investing moves that he does. Can you believe his latest stroke of genius selling his Visa stock the week before the DOJ filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa? He truly is the man when it comes to investing.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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