Random Musings on Current Events 9.15.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Yet another assassination attempt on Donald Trump? What? This time while he was playing golf and certainly not a public event. You have got to be kidding me? Two attempts in about two months and the common denominator now seems to be the Secret Service more and more. In Pennsylvania it has become more and more evident the Secret Service leadership did not assign the proper team to protect a man who not only is a Presidential candidate but evidently had an increased threat profile from Iranian sources. Now, how is it that a shooter was able to target the former President without some for knowledge that Donald Trump would be playing golf when he was and where he was playing? It is becoming more and more evident that there needs to be more of a shake up in the highest levels of the Secret Service starting with the current head, yet again.

Oh by the way, I have absolutely no faith that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who is in charge of the current investigation, will do anything but cover up the truth. Sorry Attorney General Garland your speech this last week did nothing to assuage my concerns with regards to the politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI. To me the speech was nothing but another attempt to gaslight the average everyday American.

So, Boeing is experience a strike and the workers are asking for more pay. Apparently, there has not been a new contract in many many years and all the while Boeing management has been running the company into the ground. I am not sure if the rot is in the Board of Directors or the CEO’s, one of which recently, parted ways with the company. On top of that the new CEO has gotten promises of some obscene amounts of bonuses that are completely unrelated to his performance. Quite honestly, I cannot blame the rank and file for striking because it appears their wages have not kept up with inflation. The trouble is due to mismanagement and what appears to be gross fleecing of the company there is not a whole lot to give the workers. I think, if I were the workers, I would take what management is offering but in addition I would demand ownership of the company because the current ownership is obviously failing what was once a mighty and prestigious company.

So, Taylor Swift, Pfizer’s poster girl has come out endorsing Kamala Harris for President. All this tells me is Pfizer does not want President Trump elected which, to me, is in Donald Trump’s favor. Thank you, Ms. Swift, for enlightening me on this matter.

I watched part of the Presidential debate the week before last and I say part, because I could not stomach it after Donald Trump was interrupted and “fact checked” the third of fourth time. Not only that I could no longer watch Kamala Harris’ feigned smile and condescending look in the split screen. I agree that Donald Trump could have done better but did he really need to? There is no substance or integrity behind Kamala Harris and I think the American public, at large, is waking up to this fact. I for one am not better off now than I was 3 and half years ago. I, like President Trump, have to ask why she has done nothing the last 3 ½ years she has been in office.

Speaking of do nothing hires in the Joe Biden administration it seems that Pete Buttigieg our Secretary of Transportation is going after the regulation of airline mileage points. What? Airline mileage points? What about what is arguably the most toxic release of chemicals this country has ever seen in Pennsylvania? What about the nations crumbling infrastructure and the rest of the infrastructure bill that so far has seen $7.5 billion spent to install 7 vehicle charging stations? My gut tells me that Secretary is yet another political appointment of what essentially amounts to a vacant suit to disguise giant money laundering schemes to pay off political cronies on the taxpayer’s back.

 God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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