Random Musings on Current Events 11.3.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

I am a couple of days late posting my ramblings, rants, rumbles, and revelations this week. I suppose it is because I really have not been paying too much attention as I have been mourning the loss of my child three years ago who I call a victim of COVID. Not to the disease itself but a victim of the gross overreaction to what essentially was the flu. The overreaction of society and the poisoning of countless millions of people with an unapproved injection which ultimately led to the demise of my child.

Enough of my personal life, for now, and on to the rumblings.

In my introspective moments this past week I was just reminded of the election industry that has formed around, you guessed it, elections. As I continue to receive snail mail flyers, election robo calls, emails, and the worst of them election texts I cannot wonder at how much money is changing hands. The candidates and the machines that support them are constantly on the prowl for donations that in turn are used to fund all these mailings, emails, robocalls, and robo texts. All this capital being spent on useless services that could be spent on improving infrastructure and or being invested in businesses that provide service to a greater swath of society. Instead all of the capital is gathered from the productive businesses and people to be spent by politicians whose sole purpose, for most of them, is to get elected by spending the money on media and advertisements. I just have to ask myself what value does any of this provide me?

If the reader or two of my ramblings is wondering who I am voting for President it obviously is not for the Marxist/Communist liar that is running for President. I watched a collage or sorts on one of the purported MSM news channels detailing how many “changes” in her position she has taken in over the last few years. These included but are not limited to her stance on the border wall, and the second amendment. What strikes me is how brazenly crass she and her handlers are with regard to these issues. I say this because I do not believe for one second that she will not immediately revert back to her previous stances on these issues and that she is just saying these things to get elected.

Speaking of the MSM I have to wonder how much money they are making hyping their preferred candidates all in the name of generating viewership in order to sell advertising and keep themselves afloat? The polls show the candidates are virtually tied and as a person with a little bit of knowledge of statistics I am aware of how easily polls and statistics can be manipulated to serve one’s agenda. For the big media companies their agenda is about making money and in order to do that they need access to politicians and it seems will do anything to gin up viewership, clicks etc. It is like a spectator sport on the national and international scale. The media craves and is in fact addicted to the politicians feeding their spectators. In fact I have heard that each presidential candidate is approaching a billion dollars in campaign spending. How am I to believe or trust anything that comes out of their organizations?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.