Random Musings on Current Events 8.9.2024: Olympics, Government, and California

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am trying to decide what is worth rambling about this week but as I am sure anyone who has lost a child can relate to this week has been one of those weeks. A week of waking up and not liking where I am or liking how I feel. Sure I could get a drink or find some other way to numb the feeling but I am choosing not to. I can still function, mostly, and so I am choosing to not escape but rather learn how to still engage the world with the pain.

One of the items I could ramble about are the Olympics and all that is transpiring around this even. However, I am not really paying attention because it is difficult to listen to the announcers and the advertising. I watched it one night and I did not feel good the next day. It almost felt as if there is some sort of signal being put out through the sound on NBC’s transmission that is not healthy. I could be imagining things but it was enough for me to know that I do not want to watch any more.

Then there is the world and everything that is simmering below the surface. It seems the media is in a sort of semi hiatus because of the Olympics. Not too much is being brought out or too much hay is being made by the MSM because of the Olympics.

Speaking of not too much hay being made, it has become even more clear in the last week that there were multiple shooters during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Of course we are not hearing any of this in the MSM but it is so obvious and so depressing how corrupt it appears the national security apparatus is in the United States. Now the leaders of the FBI, CIA, and USSS hare refusing to cooperate with the Congressional committee probing the assassination attempt. Just what if anything are they hiding? Sure, Congress has been known to grandstand for political purposes but needless to say Congress pays these Security organization’s bills. I would like to see Congress withhold the CIA’s, FBI’s, and USSS’s funding for all capital projects and freeze hiring right now. Pass an emergency bill today that would do this until there is some cooperation. Will Congress do this? No, I am sure the CIA and FBI have dirt on powerful Congressmen and are blackmailing them.

California’s continued mismanagement of their forests the past several decades continues with rural towns and the states downwind of California paying the price as wildfires continue to rage and spew their toxic venom. Who are the real powers behind the corrupt Newsom and Pelosi? These are the people that need to be held accountable.

Speaking of holding people accountable I heard an interview with Tulsi Gabbard this week in which she articulated very well the problem that we are facing with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In particular, she mentions how Joe Biden has not had the capacity to make decisions for quite a while and so what it means is that someone or someone’s have been making decisions and that these people are not the ones elected by the American people. Therefore, they cannot be held accountable at the ballot box and Tulsi Gabbard is right. However, these people do not have Presidential immunity and so could they not be held accountable in other ways? Treason for one floats to the top of my head. They are running a confidence game on the American people outside of the Constitutional powers granted to the Executive and purposely subverting and ignoring the Constitution and laws. The 25th Amendment is the first that comes to mind. But then again, I am just a dumb engineer with no social skills and who deals with the laws of nature and not the subjective laws of an elite.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.2.2024; Olympics, California and the Democratic Communist Party of America

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Joe Biden is no longer running for President and the Democratic Party’s politburo has settled upon Kamala Harris who is and Oakland, California native and started her political career in San Francisco. Her political career really took off when she began to sleep with Willie Brown then and still a major political power in San Francisco and arguable in the republic of California. I had a chance to visit Oakland last summer to watch a professional baseball game and let me tell you I have seen third world countries in better shape than Oakland. Do not even get me started on San Francisco, a city overrun with drug addicts and petty crime that no one is willing to clean up until a foreign dictator decides to pay it a visit.

Speaking of cleaning up I read that the city of Los Angeles has decided to clean up its homeless city, I mean, encampment that purportedly has a population of around 180,000. The same one the I wrote about in 2023 that I could smell on the I-5 when traveling north from San Diego. Geez, call me cynical, but I have to wonder if it is because it is an election year? Or could it be that Governor “Gruesome” Newsom was told by the Democratic politburo that the reason he could not run for president is because of the gross mismanagement of California citing the Los Angeles homeless encampment as an example, for instance. I cannot help but wonder which politically connected businesses have gotten the billion dollars or more allocated for the failed homelessness “solutions” over the past few years? Now, who is going to foot the bill to clean up the waste? I wonder in Grandma Nancy Pelosi still has the juice to pull more bailout for California out of Congress? Who am I kidding we all know she sits on the Politburo.

I watched Karine Jean Pierre’s first press conference after Joe Biden was removed by the politburo and talk about gas lighting. I could only watch it for about five minutes before the urge to vomit became so great I had to turn the channel off.

I still have to ask myself if Joe Biden is not fit to run for office then why is he being allowed to still hold the office. What was the 25th Amendment passed and ratified for?

Speaking of gas lighting I am a bit amused at how hard it has been for the FBI and deep state in the USA to spin a narrative that actual sticks regarding the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. From what I see, hear, and deduce there was easily more than one shooter and there were too many “coincidences” lining up in terms of failed security. Now I learn that former USSS Director Cheatle was in the room with then Vice President Cheney on Sept 11, 2001, when Cheney assumed presidential powers for a short time. She is so deep state, come on. Now, let’s get after Secretary Mayorkis and his involvement or feigned lack of involvement in the failed assassination attempt. Speaking of which there is too much power consolidated in the Department of Homeland Security and agency that has way too many internal security organizations reporting to it. It has obviously become too powerful and it appears to be too corrupt to police itself and it increasingly appears to be acting outside Constitutional limits.

Once again, I can only imagine that Joan D’Arc and Charlemagne rolled over in their graves when the Paris Olympic games opening ceremony was underway. As I mentioned in a previous Random Musings I, gratefully, did not watch the ceremony and it was only after I made my last post that I learned of the distasteful if not outright anti-Christian Last Supper disgrace. Is it any wonder France has lost her standing in the world these past couple of centuries. Sure, Louis and Marie were not good and there needed to be a change in France, no doubt. But in the process France threw out the Christian Church and has been invaded several times by Russians, Germans, and followers of Islam. All the while its godless rulers try to maintain the illusion that they are control while Notre Dame was no doubt burned down by terrorists, their most recent elections were so obviously and blatantly corrupted and the followers of the dark one corrupted what should be an inclusive event, whose roots trace back to the cradle of western civilization in Greece not Persia, Asia, or Africa, and have alienated me and many many others.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.