Random Musings on Current Events 7.18.24 and an Attempted Assassination

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

When I started typing up this rant last week I typed about the kerfuffle over President Biden’s performance in the most recent presidential debate. I wrote about how entertaining it was to watch Hollywood and Washington elites and how uncomfortable they were with the sudden dawning that there was a chance that Joe Biden could lose the next election. Especially how uncomfortable they were with the worst kept secret of the last four years being exposed for all to see. Specifically, that Joe Biden is a man in his dotage who has experienced noticeable physical and more importantly mental decline over the past several years.

I rumbled about how if ever there has been a case that the 25th Amendment should or could be invoked perhaps this was a time for doing so. However, in light of the event of this past weekend and the ensuing actions and inaction of the Joe Biden administration it has become even more apparent that there really is no one individual steering the ship or if someone or some persons are indeed steering the ship this person or persons are evil.

From where I am sitting, I am one of many who are thanking God that Donald Trump is still alive today.    Quite honestly if last Saturday were to repeat itself 99 other times Donald Trump would not be alive today. What happened last Saturday should not have been allowed to get to the level it did and the rot that allowed this comes directly from D.C. and more of the rot seems to be exposed daily.

First, why did FBI Director Wray, Secret Service Director Cheatle and especially Secretary Mayorkis not immediately, on Saturday, hold a joint press conference? Was it because they could not wake up Joe Biden? Was it because the politburo propping up Joe Biden could not convene until Monday to determine what the official executive response would be?

Once Director Cheatle responded it had to be the most feeble and ridiculous response that could have come out of a senior level official. I am not a fan of former Attorney General Bill Barr but he hit the nail on the head in an interview in which he said Director Cheatle should be fired for being “tin eared” if for nothing else. For that matter I would include pretty much the whole Biden administration as being tin eared. Safety of a sloped roof which in fact is barely sloped, agents stationed inside the building and not outside, and the fact that she will not resign has left me flabbergasted and my intelligence insulted. I do not know why it left me flabbergasted considering how many generals got extra stars after the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and that Secretary Austin is still the Secretary of Defense. Do I expect anyone to resign or be fired? No. Should there be resignations and or firings? Yes, absolutely.

Then as if to add further insult Secretary Mayorkis’ response was to ask Congress for more money for the Secret Service or he will have to use people from other parts of the Dept of Homeland Security. This coming from the man whose department has failed to protect the border. Deflect and blame others for one’s own incompetence, malfeasance and or to obfuscate one’s own true anti American intent for the DHS and its departments. 

Obviously, the group running the Executive right now is merely a reflection of the man at the top or perhaps he is the reflection of them. It lacks energy, it lacks focus and it appears more and more incompetent by the day. Now there are reports that a company shorted 12 million shares of DJT stock last Friday betting that the price of the stock would fall. Now I have to wonder if there is more to it than a lack of energy, focus and incompetence. Could this company have had some insider information? Now, it seems there could be a malicious intent behind this incompetence and I have to wonder if the lack of focus, energy and incompetence is merely a cover to allow for the rot, maliciousness and evil to fester and spread? I am finding it difficult to accept that the shooter was acting alone and speaking for myself to restore my trust in these institutions is going to take far more than just the firing of Director Cheatle.

As if that is not enough to rant about concerning the comings and goings of the D.C. now it appears President Biden’s campaign is on life support with it losing support from a growing number of Democrat Party elites. Here is a man who had no opposition in the primary because the biggest threat to him from within the part was essentially drummed out of the party and, ironically, denied Secret Service protection despite his father and uncle having been assassinated. Now this same Democrat Party elite is going push Biden aside and essentially put another candidate forward without a primary in which rank and file Democrats could vote. One can only wonder who the Democrat Party politburo will put forward and I have to wonder if President Biden’s, yawn, Covid diagnosis was merely the public excuse to obfuscate his being summoned back to D.C. by this same politburo.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.