Random Musings on Current Events 11.24.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Does anyone else feel that there is an unseen or rather unknown power or powers that are conspiring and working together to keep them from thriving? This invisible force will allow one just enough to survive but will do all in its or their power to ever keep one from going to the next level, so to speak.

Personally, I have had several instances in which I have tried to “break out” of my station only to see the “rules” change. One particular instance, that comes to mind, is in the 2000’s when I started to invest in real estate, working hard to minimize debt, then watching the market crash in the late 2000’s, watch some financial institutions fail as a result, then thinking that a lot of distressed properties would come onto the market and that I might be able to pick up a couple of these properties up as investments. Instead, many of the properties that were foreclosed upon sat vacant for years as their condition’s deteriorated. When they finally did come on the market the local real estate market had bottomed and the same foreclosed properties came up for sale one or two at a time and they were being sold through large national real estate companies that previously had no local representation. It gradually became obvious to me that the too big to fail finance houses and its surrogates in Washington D.C. were firmly in control and that the free market no longer existed, at least in Real Estate. That I lived in a quasi-fascist reality in which politically connected interests were allowed to survive in this once great nation. In other words, winners and losers are not determined by the marketplace but rather by political interests and for political reasons.

Lately, I have been thinking about how rapidly the giants of Silicon Valley rose squashing their competition and subsequently how they have colluded with government interests. Now this has been proven that the Silicon Valley “media” giants colluded with entrenched government interests to see that President Trump did not retain the office of President. It is my opinion they did not elect Joe Biden but rather they worked to ensure President Trump did not retain the office and it really is sad and, quite frankly, criminal. Yet again, hidden interests in the corridors of national power are picking winners and losers to maintain their power, plain and simple. Is Donald Trump a perfect man? No, absolutely not, but the alternative is Joe Biden and he is the best they can offer me as a naturally born man of the united states of America? Give me a break, the man and those around him are overtly supporting a communist dictator, laundered money through Afghanistan, the Ukraine, and now apparently Israel is more important than my own country? It is also my opinion that Facebook, Google, and Amazon received dark money from three letter agencies in the United States through cut outs or however these agencies fund their malfeasance and treason.

Back to these giant behemoths of Silicon Valley and the amount of power they wield; it is my opinion that there is no way these giants became as large as they have without the help of three letter government agencies. All one has to do is look at the type of power they wield and how it benefits tyrants. These giants essentially have monopolies in the gathering of information on each and every individual who uses the internet for whatever they use the internet for and I have no doubt government agencies have back doors to this data. Everything from internet searches, views, purchases and whatever else are logged and saved in giant data bases throughout the country and world and more continue to be built. This data is then saved to be mined for whatever reason whether nefarious or benign, if needed, in the future. These companies can then mine the data to tailor and target individuals for marketing reasons or more nefariously in the case of three letter agencies to run psychological operations against us plebeians to ensure the major wielders of power maintain their power. Am I supposed to believe these are the good guys? Am I to believe that they care a wit about my welfare and that of my family and friends? In fact, and I have said this before, at what point do these so called human beings become a clear and present threat to the safety and wellbeing of me and my loved ones?

A car has blown up at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between Canada and the United States near Niagara Falls on the New York side. Geez, the day before Thanksgiving on one of, if not the largest, days in which the number of people are traveling in the united States. I am so comforted knowing the FBI is on the scene and now know that I will never know the true story of what happened as the cover up masters have taken over the crime scene.

Speaking of another incident on the day before Thanksgiving yet another train has derailed, this time in Kentucky, and at least two of the fifteen cars that derailed were carrying some form of sulfur. My prayers go out to the people living near the derailment. I am sure Pete Buttigieg will take some time to visit the site, not.

Populist leaders have won elections in Argentina and the Netherlands this week and the left controlled media is apoplectic. I can only pray that the leftists will accept the election results and become a peaceful opposition as the right has been for the most part recently. However, I do not hold high hopes for this considering all that was done in the country that was once the beacon of light for freedom loving people to prevent it’s President from being reelected.

Is it a coincidence that the week after Dictator Xi visited San Francisco and met with Joe Biden that a mysterious lung infection is spreading in China? Eerily similar to another time a few years back. Call me cynical but I must wonder if the ruling elites have decided to pull out the play book that was so successful late 2020 and 2021?

Riots on the streets of Dublin after a knife wielding man, apparently Algerian, stabbed two adults and three children. Riots in which the rioters destroyed some businesses, police cars, and a bus. Ostensibly, these rioters were rioting against foreigners who have been settled in Ireland but have been unwilling to acclimatize to Irish culture, not unlike most other places in Europe. What bothers me about this is the rioters are being branded as extreme right wingers and why would extremists on the right who are against foreigner’s attack businesses and symbols of law and order? I understand Ireland is essentially a socialist country, after all the IRA of old was essentially a Marxist organization. It almost seems, like the U.S. during the summer of love of 2020, the riots were preplanned and too well organized to not be well planned and organized.

Geez, for wanting to pull back and not let myself get wrapped up in current events I sure have paid attention to a few this past week.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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