Random Musings 6.24.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I wish all the best to Lt-Gen. Sullivan and I am certainly glad Sidney Powell is on his side. The underlying question, however, still is how did such an apparent abuse of power like this happen?

The Bolton book – Yawn, just another payoff by the Rumsfeldian Neo Conservative elites to one of their hacks.

I know this has been a couple of weeks, but I watched some of the Senate questioning of Rod Rosenstein. There was a point in the questioning where Mr. Rosenstein said, “having now known what I know..”. What does this mean specifically? Does it mean if he knew this would become public then he would not have pushed for the FISA warrant? This was the only interpretation of what he said that I could come up with. To me that smacks of a complete and utter lack of integrity. There is an old saying that basically says character is revealed when no one is watching or when a person believes no one is watching. I am sorry Mr. Rosenstein but what I see is a complete lack of integrity because it should not matter if this was going to become public or not. I will never trust another word that comes out of your mouth or anything that your write.

Is there anyone else who is tying together (this is now rhetorical because there are others) a certain sequence of events. Starting with protests at President Trumps inauguration, then the fake Mueller investigation, then impeachment, then a “pandemic” and now riots? I am sorry but to me this is too coincidental to be coincidental. It is as if when one action does not work then the stakes get raised and so on. Remember the largest mass murderers of the twentieth century (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot) were socialists and if one does not think that people like them are willing to sacrifice millions to achieve their aims then there is a decided level of naiveite out there. What bothers me the most is the apparent organization behind the international riots and the complete and utter lack of leadership to oppose this madness!

Why is the Senate messing around with Section 230 Communications Decency Act in the form of the EARN IT Act? Why are they not stripping Facebook and Twitter of Section 230 protections when they are so obviously editorializing their content? Is it because all the data storage sites being and having been built in Utah which is the state that the Chairmen represents? It certainly looks suspicious and I am completely opposed to the EARN IT Act in case anyone was unable to deduce.

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