Random Musings 6.26.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

Is anyone else questioning, besides Tucker Carlson, the lack of leadership and response by any of our leaders to the riots and out and out treasonous calls by the radical left to abolish and replace our system of governance by violent means? I also must agree with, and question why are these people not being arrested and the book be thrown at them? Timothy McVey is no longer with us after he killed unarmed innocents in Oklahoma City. I would argue that there have been many unarmed innocents and wounded and killed in the last several weeks at the hands of these terroristic insurgents. Let me be one of the first to say that if I were in charge I would be sending the National Guard and or Police into Chaz and wherever else these Marxist have declared independence and round them up. I am sure there are plenty of laws that have been broken that they can be charged with. They are violating other right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property (happiness). Then I would ask that the Justice Department purse the organizers and funders of these radicals using RICO statutes to break their financial support. All the while I would be telling the American people exactly what I was doing without revealing tactics and other protocols of course.

This all being said it is easy for me to throw darts so to speak as I am not in charge. I also do not blame the President because he must be tired and weary. He has not caught a break since he took office and quite honestly, I would not blame him if he decided not to run for office again. I hope he does, however, because if he does not win, I will be shutting this blog down because I will be in fear for my life. I firmly believe now that big tech is in bed with many entrenched Washington politicians and bureaucrats. The law of club and fang will be the law of the day as our constitutional rights will became history in not in fact but in application. No, who I am feeling even more anger toward are the so called Republicans who will not or cannot support the President. I do expect there to be support 100% of the time nor would I wish that. But to not stand up to the leftists who are hell bent on destroying our country and supporting the President’s calls to put them down is disgusting! What I do not think many in business and the government realize is that if these Marxist’s gain power (Biden will do their bidding) you can expect all institutions of our market economy and freedoms to come under assault. Yes, I said market economy to include Wall Street and the banking system. One only needs to look to Russia and China for examples.

Spain vs. England or rather Feudalism vs. Parliamentarianism (Originally Published 9.11.2018)

I sit here at my keyboard mulling over the events of the past day, weeks, and months and have decided to write about some thoughts, perhaps divinely inspired, regarding history and its ties to the present day. Specifically, how in the United States of America it seems that Anglo Spanish War begun in the 14th century continues to this day. Though this war has had its ups and downs with the English side primarily the victor throughout the centuries I would like to postulate the United States of America is the current front line of this long fought war.

After we all take a deep sigh and or recover from our hearty belly laughs of contempt at my postulation I would ask that the readers of this post continue reading and I will certainly do my best to make my case which should and will include a brief history lesson. At the time of the 14th century undeclared conflict between Spain and England’s Queen Elizabeth I and the monarch and people of England were continuing their nascent English rebellion against the Roman Catholic Pope’s and the other Roman Catholic monarchies of Europe. Remember this was a time that monarchies held “divine” rights as conferred by the pope and could and often times their rules were characterized by the personalities and ambitions of the person holding the crown at any given time. We must also remember that the powers of these monarchs in their territories was absolute and the vast majority of the people in these kingdoms had no individual liberties and lived at the mercy of their monarch and those who served in their monarch’s name.

Getting back to the 14th century the Magna Carta was a mere two centuries old and had for the most part been renewed by succeeding monarchs after King John’s agreement to it after a rebellion of his barons. Of course after John’s death Pope Innocent III annulled the document but in 1216 it was issued again in an albeit altered form in order to obtain Henry III’s barons acquiescence in order to raise taxes. Then Henry’s son Edward I renewed the charter yet again in 1297 confirming it as part of England’s statute law. I point out to you the most important part of this paragraph is Pope Innocent III’s annulment of the charter from Rome after King John’s death. Here we have the seeds of England’s rebellion against Rome being sown because a monarch’s power for the first time in Europe is being curbed not by Rome but by the subjects of the Pope’s “divinely” appointed monarch. This document also created and sowed the seeds of a power structure not that of the tradition feudal power structure favored by Rome.

In the 14th century the rebellion against Rome had erupted into open warfare with the Spanish Armada being destroyed off the shores of England to which the Spanish Navy never recovered. The Magna Carta had, at this time in history, been part of England’s statute law for two centuries and Queen Elizabeth I’s government, to maintain her power, had all but banished or driven underground the Roman Catholic Church’s followers and its representatives on her island. In the preceding two centuries the royal council had evolved into a two house parliament which increasingly limited the powers of the monarchy and ultimately led to the English Civil Wars of the 15th century which saw the ascendency of the Parliamentarians under Oliver Cromwell dissolving the monarchy for a brief period of time. In the 14th century it was, in fact, even normal for all parliaments to summon representatives of the shires and boroughs (House of Commons) separate from the traditional feudal representatives of bishops and nobility (House of Lords) to “advise” the monarch. Here we see the first bicameral legislative governing system in the world that I am aware of and I ask the reader to remember that this was to curb the power of a ruling feudal elites. Examples of this ruling feudal elite held sway in Europe and, quite frankly, elsewhere around the world and arguably have throughout time up and into modern times (i.e. Saudi Arabia and China). A system where a gilded elite of the minority held all power and the majority of the people were essentially slaves, serfs, subjects, or whatever else one might call them. I also would like to add that by the end of these civil wars the English Parliament was no longer subservient to the English Monarchy and ultimately saw the last Roman Catholic monarch of England overthrown by William of Orange in 1688.

Now moving forward to the 18th century the English colonists of the New World decided that the monarchy and its representatives were no longer willing to or had any intent of listening to, recognizing the rights of, or keeping in mind what was in the colonies best interests. The United States of America came into being after what quite frankly was a long, arduous, and bloody revolution. I want to point out the bloody part of this revolution. I also want to remind the reader that the freedoms gained in England in the formation and establishment of her Parliamentarian system did not come into existence without bloodshed either. Once human beings gain power they rarely voluntarily give this power up. However, in the United States of America the founders of this country took the Parliamentary System one step further and eliminated the monarchy completely creating a chief executive or President. The founders kept the two house parliament, however, they gave this two house legislative body the formal title of Congress which is completely independent of the chief executive or President. Lastly, they created a separate and completely independent judiciary known as the Supreme Court. I want to point out that these bodies are independent and were created with the intent of these bodies being independent of each other so no one person or small group of people could wield the majority of the levers of federal power in the United States. I would argue the founders of the United States of America did this purposely to keep power from being consolidated knowing that human nature abhors giving up power once gained. Further that there are those human being who will never be satisfied with the power they gain and will continually lust after more and yet more power.  Fortunately, for all of us, the founders codified this governmental system into a document known as the United States Constitution which even provides a mechanism to change this document with the consent of the ruled.

So where does this tie into the ongoing war between England and Spain. Well, in name, this is no longer the case obviously as England and Spain have not fought against each other for centuries now. I will submit to you, however, that this war was not about the individual countries named but the ideas of governing and being governed as represented by these two countries. These idea were then carried into England and Spain’s colonies and in particular what we call now call the Americas or Western Hemisphere. Outside of the United States and Canada the separation of powers has come about in name, with many countries adopting constitutions modeled after the United States’ constitution, but this has primarily been implemented in name only. Latin and South American countries histories are littered with strong men coming to power, ignoring their countries constitutions, amassing large amounts of power, and in so doing continuing the feudal power structure system, if not in name, but in reality. These countries have very small middle classes which periodically, in the case of Chile and Venezuela for instance, are decimated through the manipulation of currency markets and or civil wars for instance. Some of these countries still follow the Spanish Law system of judiciary and we, if fact, even see this in many western states in the United States where it is called common law.

Currently in the United States of America it is my opinion that an attack on the fundamental structure and foundation that this country was built on is being waged by the international elites who desire unlimited power for themselves. These international elites are the descendants of the same elites who supported, created and or grew out of feudal middle age Europe. Quite frankly, one could even make the argument that humans for the most part have created feudal political structures for the majority of human history and time. These monarchs and the elites who supported them had unlimited powers and could only be brought to heal by another stronger monarch or power structure. The ruling elites of early Norman England were no different and when their power began to be curbed the entire European power structure fought this change. The European international power structure fought this change and fortunately for the world they lost in England and its upstart revolutionary colonies known as The United States of America.

However, in most of the Spanish speaking Americas the consolidation of wealth and power is not too unlike that of feudal Europe when one looks dispassionately at the facts. In fact we can even see this system in the Philippines which was another colony of Spain. This is a system that rewards very few in disproportionate measure to the rest of society. Let me not leave out the abominations of what we have seen in communist countries either. These societies that were created for the “working” or “proletariat classes”. All we have to look at is the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. In these societies a small ruling elite came to monopolize all of their countries levers of power. In fact, North Korea essentially has a monarchy with the titular head of government now being passed along heredity lines. Additionally, when a middle class rises and begins to accumulate power and wealth in these countries some sort of calamity befalls whatever country it is happening in. Just ask Chile, Argentina and Venezuela or in the case of North Korea and China the middle class is just not allowed to exist.

So, in the United States I listen to the news today and our duly elected President, like him or hate him, is being attacked by an anonymous editorial in the New York Times supposedly written by a cabinet insider. Ok, perhaps the editorial is true but I have a couple of things to say and question. If this is indeed written by an insider why does this person not have the courage to come out in public with their name? Is it because it is actually written by someone in the New York Times which evidently has been financed by Carlos Slim the uber wealthy Mexican media mogul. Let us not forget Mexico is a country of uber wealthy international businesses, some legal and some not so legal, with little between these uber wealthy and the rest of their countries citizens who live at or below the poverty level. A country whose journalist are often murdered when they “cross the line” by drug kingpins and who knows who else. So, based on my observations, just whose favor did a Mexican media mogul have to curry to become so extraordinarily wealthy? I also have to ask myself was this a personal attack because the Mexican elites, not to mention the wealthy international American interest, who benefit from illegal immigration are feeling so threatened by President Trump and what he represents? Is it because of their perceived threat to their power base that the internationalists are willing to publish this sort of disrespectful diatribe to the office of the presidency? If this is indeed the case just how far would these elites be willing to go?

As several days have gone by in my effort to write this piece and I contemplate on what is now the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC I have to ask myself where the world sits in this ongoing war between the modern day feudalist and the modern day parliamentarians? I would say that the light is shining brighter and brighter on the feudalists as evidenced by the anonymous letter to the feudalist propaganda agent known as the New York Times. I would further say that the feudalist and their contempt and disrespect for the US Constitution is being waged against the the Supreme Court nominee in trying to make him some sort of political candidate. The feudalist are also busy at work in Silicon Valley with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and yes even Amazon as they consolidate power and use their power to stifle opposing thought and competition. We see another loosening of capital in home financing which the feudal bankers I am sure are hoping to consolidate more real estate in their hands thanks to the government when the next crisis comes along,. Lastly, and though this list is not nearly complete, I am encouraged by those who seem to be waking up and especially by those who have been awake and continue to shine light on the continuing attacks against the US Constitution. I also have to ask yet again at what point do we draw the line against those who have utter contempt and disregard for the US Constitution and call them enemies whether they be foreign or domestic?

 I can say for certain that many of the freedoms that I once enjoyed are no longer available to me such as sitting near an airport runway to watch airplanes land and take off amongst many others. I can say that my internet searches and activities are not nearly as free as they were before the attacks. I can say that the United States has fought two wars that have massively redistributed the wealth of the world into the hands of fewer and fewer. I can also say that during this time a financial crisis has come about and that thanks to the two United States Presidents and Congresses at the time of the crises did nothing more than to apply band aids to a situation that has not nor will not go away. In fact, all they managed to do was to prop up the international banking system so that it would not fail. I can say that international terrorism has been dealt a massively blow in the meantime which is a good thing. We have not had this sort of attack against the United States again which again is a good thing.

I sit her grappling with what to type next but as my life goes on I need to go and support my child and must put this writing aside for a bit. My fear is that as the news cycle wears on it will no longer seem relevant despite it being, at least in my opinion, more than relevant today than one can even imagine.

Just last week Tiger Woods was vilified by an ESPN commentator for saying that one must respect the office of the US Presidency even if one does not respect the current office holder. This by extension goes for the whole US Constitution and the government that it has created. We should not expect a Supreme Court nominee to be a politician nor should we treat them as such. We should be questioning their independence and will they take their oath of office seriously and interpret law not use their seat for judicial activism. Likewise, when we elect our congressional representatives and senators we should be asking them if they will represent their constituencies in accordance with and within their constitutionally prescribed powers and limits. We should not keep reelecting the same people over and over that support only the elites in their own states and then who transfer their allegiances to the power brokers in Washington DC. It is telling when Senators die that the largest memorials for them is not in their home states but rather in Washington DC.

Random Musings 6.25.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I am so angry this morning due to the fact that I just learned that the state that I live in’s governor has just issued a mandatory order to always wear a mask in public. Under what authority does this man have the right to do this? Some state statute that gives him dictatorial authorities in a “declared emergency”? So, does this rule apply to protesters and what will the penalties be to those who protest if they do not wear the mask? Will it apply equally to BLM protesters as it applies to those who are protesting the lockdowns and mask wearing and other government overreach?

I have remained silent on the Black Lives so called movement. To me it is a well organized Internationalist Marxist Leninist Socialist revolutionary movement whose sole aim is to seize power. I find it interesting that there are actually more white people participating than black people.

Please do not misunderstand me. I know there is still racism alive and well in this country and to me any form of racism is wrong to the core. What I do not agree with is Marxism and Socialism and the destruction of what made this country. I do, however, support embracing people of different races and backgrounds into the experiment of constitutional republican democracy. I will not apologize nor will I take a knee because of my race. I know every minority that has come into this country has had to face discrimination

Has anyone else noticed that the latest Wuhan Virus outbreaks are happening primarily in the south and southwest as people tend to move indoors more to escape the heat. I know from personal experience that in these places people tend to spend more time in climate controlled environments in the summer than do people in the northern areas of the country. Quite the opposite of the wintertime when people in the northern areas are spending more time indoors to escape the cold.

So, baseball is scheduled to start in the next month. I am happy that the American past time is going to make a run at it. While speaking of sports and lack of healthy outlets for young American’s to cheer, yell, and expend energy is it any wonder more people are rioting and killing each other in the Democratic Party controlled cities and states? When are the protesters going to start tearing down the statues of players in front of ballparks? So many questions and so few answers.

Random Musings 6.24.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I wish all the best to Lt-Gen. Sullivan and I am certainly glad Sidney Powell is on his side. The underlying question, however, still is how did such an apparent abuse of power like this happen?

The Bolton book – Yawn, just another payoff by the Rumsfeldian Neo Conservative elites to one of their hacks.

I know this has been a couple of weeks, but I watched some of the Senate questioning of Rod Rosenstein. There was a point in the questioning where Mr. Rosenstein said, “having now known what I know..”. What does this mean specifically? Does it mean if he knew this would become public then he would not have pushed for the FISA warrant? This was the only interpretation of what he said that I could come up with. To me that smacks of a complete and utter lack of integrity. There is an old saying that basically says character is revealed when no one is watching or when a person believes no one is watching. I am sorry Mr. Rosenstein but what I see is a complete lack of integrity because it should not matter if this was going to become public or not. I will never trust another word that comes out of your mouth or anything that your write.

Is there anyone else who is tying together (this is now rhetorical because there are others) a certain sequence of events. Starting with protests at President Trumps inauguration, then the fake Mueller investigation, then impeachment, then a “pandemic” and now riots? I am sorry but to me this is too coincidental to be coincidental. It is as if when one action does not work then the stakes get raised and so on. Remember the largest mass murderers of the twentieth century (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot) were socialists and if one does not think that people like them are willing to sacrifice millions to achieve their aims then there is a decided level of naiveite out there. What bothers me the most is the apparent organization behind the international riots and the complete and utter lack of leadership to oppose this madness!

Why is the Senate messing around with Section 230 Communications Decency Act in the form of the EARN IT Act? Why are they not stripping Facebook and Twitter of Section 230 protections when they are so obviously editorializing their content? Is it because all the data storage sites being and having been built in Utah which is the state that the Chairmen represents? It certainly looks suspicious and I am completely opposed to the EARN IT Act in case anyone was unable to deduce.

Presidents and Generals

I have been holding my tongue for the past several weeks because either I am fed up with the most current events, I do not know what to say, and I just have been too busy to put my thoughts to the keyboard. But news “breaking” in the last forty-eight hours has really inspired me to type despite how busy and reluctant I am to type.
Specifically, the events that have broken the proverbial camels back and led me to put fingers to keyboard are the Generals and President Bush’s comments regarding their endorsements of Joe Bidden and against President Trump. First and foremost, everyone has a right to express their opinion and I have served in the military, having taken the oath several times, to defend this right. Based on this what this has told me is that we are seeing the establishment seriously rising to go against President Trump and to me the middle class average Everyday Joe so to speak.
First, when I read about retired General or Admirals speak out on civilian matters, I must take that with a grain of salt. Though I respect what they have accomplished I must keep perspective of the realm in which they have been successful. Specifically, they have been successful in a profession that is supported by the taxpayer. The military and its wars do not generate wealth and it is fundamentally a parasite on society. At best and at worst militaries steal wealth from others which is why we have militaries to defend against others from stealing our wealth. Hopefully, we do not become the type of country whose military steals from others, but I can say an argument can be made that our military and the complex built up to support it is stealing from society. Sometimes parasites can be beneficial or harmful and can swing either way. In the case of the military we must have a military to protect our country from foreign aggression which is am example of the military’s beneficial contribution to society. However, history is full of examples in which a country’s military becomes harmful and ultimately kills its host. Just look to Rome and the once mighty Spanish Empire. This happens when the generals become more powerful than the politicians. It is at this point that the parasite with kill its host.
Secondly, I look back to the history of Presidential administrations that these Generals came up in. To me these administrations arguably will go down in history as some of the worst administrations in terms of preserving individual liberties and outright corruption. I have no illusions that when a person moves into the flag officer level more and more of their abilities to be “political” play into their promotions. If one needs to me spell this out, except for one, they moved into and up the flag ranks in President Obama’s administration and or in President Bush’s administration. Both administration that oversaw the shipping of American might overseas and the further eroding of America’s middle class which gained substantial momentum under President Clinton and which Presidents Bush and Obama seemed more than happy to keep rolling.
What now upsets me more than anything is the extent to which it appears the powers to be, elites, international socialist, or whatever you might call them are willing to go to prevent President Trump from being reelected. It shows me to what lengths they are willing to go to prop up the international order, a order which I have written about in the past, that is the denizens of socialists and powerful elites who are really, in fact, the descendants of the aristocracy. An aristocracy they held themselves above the law or rather interpreted, subverted, and bent the laws, if they existed, to their own whims. I have no illusions that they care about me, my family, or my community.
Ok, some observation that I feel support my rational regarding President Trump are that first there was the Mueller waste of time to try and remove and smear President Trump. When that did not work there was the impeachment sham which we know did not work. Then there is this “global pandemic” which as time goes on is a complete and total joke to me. In my opinion President Trump did the prudent thing in the beginning to slow its spread until more information was obtained on the virus, its transmission, and potential control measures. However, that seemed to be relatively under control with numbers being now worse than a bad flu year and the economy starts opening up and suddenly the press gets ahold of what appears to be an abhorrent action committed by Minneapolis police. Actions that on the surface of it that should terrify any American regardless of race, ethnicity, religious or political belief. However, what is troubling me is how quickly and organized this spun out of control. The protests and subsequent riots were coordinated and planned in my opinion. Though I do not have the proof it is just too coincidental. Now we have businesses, Generals, ex-Presidents and all sorts and sundry characters blaming President Trump! Give me a f*&@ing break!!! Pardon my language but this is way to coincidental to be coincidental.
First off, most of the protests turned riots are happening in states and cities run by member of the Democratic Party. Minneapolis is a Democrat stronghold as is Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Seattle, and Las Vegas to name a few. Many of these cities have black Americans in leadership positions. Why is this not being discussed? Is it because they are being good Uncle Toms and supporting their white masters in the international socialist party? Pardon my language again but I am angry. I have served with and for black Americans overseas and worked with them in my civilian job and quite honestly, I would rather have many of them as neighbors than many of the white Americans that I have worked with. I would and have trusted them with my life and would continue to do if called upon. Now that former Presidents and generals are now calling out the President on this I am more firmly in the camp that these protests turned riots are further evidence that the conspiracy of this duly elected President has taken a more sinister and deadly turn. A turn for which I am concerned this country may not be able to come back from.
So, in closing I ask Generals Kelly, Mattis, Powel and Presidents Bush and Obama what about me? What about the middle-class working man and woman? What about us? How do you feel about the fact that you made your entire careers working in a parasitical system that cannot survive without the working businessmen and women of this country? You attack President Trump, but I have never seen any action from any of you to support the average working American or small business. All I witness in you and your minions are machinations, subterfuges, and usurpations of American treasure in the name of “National Defense, the public good, and whatever other reason concocted to keep our minds occupied. News flash! While you moved up in a corrupt self-serving system the true wealth of this once mighty country has been bleed and continues to be bled. I am grateful that you have shown your true colors. If it had not been for President Trump the public would have never seen this. Now I just wonder how many more in the swamp are going to come out slithering and wiggling and gnashing? Now I cannot help but wonder just how close to the truth some of the Washington investigations are getting and how high up the chain the stench rises in both the Republican and Democratic Parties? Yes, it is a stench and it is becoming fouler by the day!!!

Random Musings 4.20.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I am still curious if the former heads and members of the CIA and FBI who apparently spied on a US Citizen after apparently committing perjury to the FISA Court are going to be held accountable? It seems from my perspective that the elites are circling their wagons to protect their own and that they will somehow find someway in some obscure obfuscation of the law to exonerate the apparent crimes. I hope that I am wrong, and I hope it is because the Justice Department and their proxies are being thorough. Regardless of the outcome I hope that it is clear one way or the other why a particular decision is made.

So it seems that the PPP money has run out and my wife and I were unable to get any benefit from this as we are both self-employed. Speaker Pelosi and her ilk disgust me! I would love to have a freezer full of designer ice cream in a refrigerator/freezer worth thousands of dollars. But alas, no, I cannot even receive a portion of the PPP because it seems Speaker Pelosi and her Congress need a recess for several weeks. Speaker Pelosi just agree to Senator McConnell’s bill to fund the PPP and read the details later!!!

So, California municiplaties are filling skateboard parks up with sand to prevent skaters from using these. The one park, in particular, that I saw was on San Clemente Beach. So, let me do some quick math. About 1,000 deaths in a state of 40,000,000 people with the majority of deaths in the 50 year and older population. So that is roughly one quarter of one percent of the population that based on the recent Stanford survey may actually have way more exposure to the virus that known. But back to the cold hard statistics. One quarter of one percent of the population with the majority of deaths over 50 years old. Something tells me that we are not going to see too many senior citizens at a skateboard park. As a person who is solidly into their fifties, I can tell you that you will not see me in a skateboard park! This despite wanting to harken back to my skating days. The magnitude of the government reaction to the cold hard numbers just does not add up. Is it just me who is seeing this?

To summarize and sort of encapsulate my musings I am getting uneasy with the shutdown. Something is not adding up in my mind because of the numbers. Call it cynicism or what ever but my mind has shifted from this being a reasonable draconian response because we did not know exactly what we were dealing with. Now that there has been several months to look at the numbers and it appears the numbers do not support the continued level and magnitude of the reaction. I have to ask why are we continuing with full on shelter in place? Why is the majority of the governors who do not want to ease restrictions belong to the democratic party? Is this becoming more of a political reaction now? I ask myself who benefits from not having restaurants, casinos, sporting events, beaches, parks and etc not be open? I ask this in light that as a veteran I was asked to put my life on the line knowing that I might die to defend the constitution and the United States. At what point do we have to ask the populace as a whole to perhaps put their lives on the line to support the United States economy which is vital to our independence and freedom? I also ask at what point is Washington going to start looking at themselves in the mirror and hold themselves accountable?

Another Look at the First Amendment

Looking at Amendment I of the United States Constitution is specifically reads as such:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So much is guaranteed in just this one amendment to the United States Constitution that I feel it is time to revisit and address some issues that I believe we as a society need to consider and link bank to this first amendment. Specifically, I would like to discuss the separation of church and state and the right to peaceably assemble.

On the first matter the more I study and listen to progressive socialist leftist fascist movement in this country I think that we must start to consider it a religion. I say this because much like the existing religions they operate based on faith and not necessarily using a logic-based cause and effect reasoning for their faith. Let me state that I am ok with this and that I have my own Christian based faith background but I openly welcome the fact that in this county our founders sought to keep this from becoming an official state sponsored and supported religion as existed in England and elsewhere throughout Europe at the time of the American Revolution. This due to the outright abuses that were perpetuated by the collusion of these two pillars in society. Abuses that were not based in natural law but rather in the arbitrary application of abuses to further their power bases at the expense of their constituents and flocks. It was for this reason that the founders sought to ensure that there would never be a state sponsored religion in this country.

Moving forward into the times we live in I have to say that I believe we have a pseudo political religious  movement active in our society that is to become a pollical religious power in the same vain as Islamic Fundamentalists seek to implement Sharia Law in the territories that they control. Of course, the leftist socialist communist movement will never openly admit that they are a religion as they actively seek to destroy all religions that opposes it. Destroy the others much as the Protestant and Catholic kings in Europe sought to destroy each other and institute their “religion” on the people and similar to current Islamic fundamentalists who seek to impose their religion on conquered people and in so doing destroy the religion of the conquered.

It is for this reason that I propose we begin to label the leftist socialist progressive movement a religion and as such I vehemently and strongly advocate the idea that any of their proposals and currently enacted laws (i.e. Green New Deal, Affordable Care Act, any remnant of the original New Deal and etc.) be deemed unconstitutional under the Amendment I of The United States Constitution.

Mea Culpa 4.7.20

I must admit a whole hardy and heartfelt mea culpa this early Tuesday evening of April 7, 2020 somewhere in the Pacific Time Zone. Somewhere in the Pacific Time Zone not too far away from the cold soulless digital capital of Silicon Valley yet far enough away that I can still enjoy a somewhat if fleeting analog existence. I say that I have to admit a Mea Culpa is that my site has been down for months now and though I would like to admit it is the fault of some three letter government agency, the fault of some digital robber baron or the fault of some international leftist organization I cannot. I would love to be able to, but I must remember that I was truly at fault for my sabbatical, absence, vacation, dropping off the face of the earth or whatever you may choose to call it. Yes, as I have said and keep making a point of bringing to my readers attention it was my fault for the site dropping off and not returning in a timely manner. Most of all it was my fault for not updating my credit card with the hosting service that hosts this site of self-pontification, drivel, and indulgence. Additionally, I learned after my site was lost that I could have saved all my site in one easy and convenient file instead of saving each individual post. That and my being extremely busy doing my “day jobs” so to speak as this site by no means pays for itself. Perhaps someday, at least a day in my dreams that someday may become true, this site will pay for itself but that is certainly not the case now nor will it be for the immediate and foreseeable future as I write this as sort of therapeutic release which is far more valuable that any form of currency exchange.  

So, for now, if any readers that I may have had in the past manage to find my site again or for those who are just finding this site I will publish and reestablish my past posts in some way or another. However, I am not quite sure of the format that I will do this nor when I will get a chance to do so. I say this because despite my having been absent from the digital opinionosphere for the last four months or so. So much has happened and trust me when I say that I have quite a few opinions on the events. To punctualize, in a way all that has happened, I type this while sitting at a desk while under a shelter in place order from my state’s governor. So much has happened that at times it makes my head spin and, trust me, it spins not from the beer that I consumed earlier from a growler of beer that I had saved from one of my local brew pubs from before the shelter in place order went into effect.  

Introduction 2.0

Greetings once again to the world and to those of you who have never met be before I say just a hearty heart felt greetings. It seems that my old site for reasons that I do not want to get to into (mostly my own fault) has been lost and I need to start again. I am taking this as a great opportunity to modify but for the most part stay with the theme of my original blog.

I am a middle class American male of European decent who feels the need to chronicle and expunge myself of the frustrations that I experience with current events and politics in general. I quite frequently find myself becoming frustrated with the status quo in this great nation known as the United States of America. I at one time promised that I would post once a week but reality has shown me that I cannot always keep this promise. It is therefore my intent to post as much a reasonably possible.

Additionally, I would like to point out that the items posted on this site are opinions. I like to think in my own mind that they are the best possible opinions in the world. However, I know and fully recognize that they are not and I welcome all who would like to comment on, refute, or otherwise provide rational, salient, and well thought out replies.