Death Cult

In the not too distant past, we learned and heard that ISIS or Daesh was a death cult. A label placed on this organization by our press and media. I have taken the time to look up and see if there is a formal definition of the term “death cult” and the most objective definition I was able to find is, “a fringe religious group that glorifies or is obsessed with death” courtesy of I think we can see why this descriptor was applied to Daesh as they spread their death and destruction across Syria and Iraq. They left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. I will submit that the German Nazi Party in the first half of the twentieth century, the Soviet Communist Party, the Maoist Chinese Communist Party and Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge could also be defined as a death cults. Though they would never consider themselves religious groups they based their power by preying on the fear of death in human beings. They not only threatened death but implemented and carried through with their threats. In the process they were responsible for the destruction of much of Europe and Asia which included tens of millions of deaths.

Yesterday morning as I woke up to the news of rioting and looting in Philadelphia ostensibly because of another police shooting of a black man the concept of death cult rummaged in my mind. These rioters and looters paid no mind to the fact that the black man shot was wielding a knife and coming at police officers. This and video footage showing the police officers actually backed away from the assailant in an effort to defuse the situation. Now we have yet another city run by Democrats in the throes of rioting and looting that will drain the life out of that city. I say this will drain the life out of the city because I can imagine very few of the businesses will want to reopen once the smoke clears, the glass is cleaned up, and the insurance claims are filed. Let us not forget that business is the life blood of communities, states, our country, and our way of life. I say business is the life blood because it is business that generates the wealth that funds and feeds our communities and even our governments. Business is the ultimate expression in freedom and innovation. Freedom because we have choices with who to do our business seeking out the best value for our money and innovation because the successful businesses will innovate to provide this value for the least amount of cost to the business owner. This so that they can number one pay for their expenses and number two profit from the sale of their product or products. These profits, in turn, are used to seek other services or goods supporting yet even more business. Like a healthy freshwater lake when water is flowing in and water is flowing out the water of the lake retains its vitality and is capable of supporting life.

Since I have started on the metaphor of lakes, I must point out that death occurs even in healthy lakes. Unfortunately, death is still a part of life especially in the material world that we live in. Eventually all biological beings expire and on top of that all biological processes generate waste. Even in the healthiest of mountain lakes biological processes continue and death occurs. What I will submit for the sake of my current argument, however, is the introduction of fresh water to the lake and subsequently the free flow of water from the lake allows waste products to easily flow out and at the same be replenished by and diluted by the fresh water flowing into the lake. All the while life continues and flourishes. However, in the unhealthy lake water typically does not flow out as freely or fresh water into the lake is completely shut off. When the water is not allowed to flow out the lake will eventually become brackish, swamp like, and otherwise much unhealthier for normal oxygen breathing creatures to survive. Likewise, when fresh water does not flow into the lake the lake will dry up and eventually die.

Likewise, from the bodies of ideas and politics, I believe, can be drawn comparisons to the examples of fresh water, brackish or dried up bodies of water. I will submit that the societies with the freshest of ideas continually replenishing the existing bodies of ideas lead to the healthiest societies and in parallel the freshest of political institutions are characterized by the free flowing of ideas in and out of the body politic of these societies. It is when the flow of ideas into the body politic is shut off or restricted that the body becomes brackish, polluted, suffocating, oppressive and unable to support healthy life. Or, in the extreme case, when the ideas are allowed to leave without any fresh ideas to replenishing the body politic the body politic has entered a death spiral that will inevitably lead to the body drying up completely leaving nothing behind but dried up brittle crusty sand.

Currently in our country we have huge out of control media conglomerates and internet behemoths who seem intent to shut out ideas counter to the opinions of the intellectuals and or ownership of these organizations. All the while, at least in the case of the internet behemoths, they enjoy the protections of law.  In the case of media, they seem intent to quash any news counter to the narrative the intellectuals who fuel their opinion. This while they claim to be objective purveyors of news. They have, in fact, almost seem to have doubled down on their claims and efforts to suppress and stymie the conservative message at every opportunity despite being called out and proven to be carrying out their seemingly nefarious actions. I will submit to my readers that because of this suppression we as a nation are precariously close to witnessing the death of the bastion of fresh thoughts, ideas, speech, and all other freedoms. We are precariously close to watching “the swamp” expand its poisonous life draining ideas and norms to the rest of the country.

Speaking of poison, I come back to the topic of the death cult. Let me remind you that the most objective definition that I found for the term death cult is, “a fringe religious group that glorifies or is obsessed with death”. I would submit that it appears with the suppression of opposing ideas in most of the media, the internet behemoths, the constant rioting and looting in democratically controlled riotous cities, and the obsession with Covid and their subsequent desire to shut down all business that the left is under the control of a death cult. No, they will never admit they are religions but as I have written about in the past, socialism is a religion. I say they are a religion because they expect blind servitude based on faith in the party or progressive ideals and have no proof to back up their claims of social utopia. So we have a very powerful group of people in this country who seem intent to usher in the death of the US Constitution and will use death and our fear of death in the guise of Covid 19 to bring death to our economy. Additionally, they use the death of black men to stage and support riotous looting behavior which in turn brings about the death of businesses which are the hallmark of lively prosperous communities. I see nothing positive or prosperous coming out of this except more death and destruction and this alarms me. This alarms me because I enjoy and give thanks for every day of life, the food that supports life, the means by which I have to support life, and for those in my life who I love. I also miss the freedoms to move freely in society without fear of retribution for not wearing a mask, attending live worship, sporting and music events, and all other manner of life sustaining group activities in which the free exchange of ideas, discourse, and social interaction occur. All the groundwork for the death cult to flourish even more seems be laid and the outcome cannot be good for any of us.

Random Musings 10.20.2020

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I have been quiet the past couple of weeks because I, quite frankly, need a break from all of the junk on the news coming from both sides. However, I just watched the Clint Eastwood story of Richard Jewell, the security guard initially accused of planting the bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Needless to say, the movie left me angry and reminded me and brought my mind back to current events. Specifically, what brought my attention back is how in the story and unholy alliance between and FBI agent and a member of the press unleashed a witch hunt on an innocent man. An innocent man who was smeared and whose family was put through a press fueled ringer. All this for a crime committed by a man who later plead guilty to the crime.

So, if this happened more than 24 years ago how am I to believe, in today’s world anything that the FBI or government bureaucrats say? How am I to be expected to believe anything that the media says? So, now we have the FBI who spied on citizen and President Trump based on trumped up (all pun intended) charges when they claim Russian interference is responsible for Hunter Biden’s computer being left at a computer repair shop? How am I to believe all the major press outlets print and digital with the exception of Fox News and the New York Post? How am I supposed to believe all who appear to be in an all-out blitz to prevent President Trump from being reelected?

Oh yes, has anyone else found it fascinating that COVID cases are on the rise within mere weeks of the election?

Governor Newsome is now recommending that Thanksgiving celebrations in California? I am shaking my head.

I also have been traveling and have in fact flow into and a little out of the swamp of Washington DC in the last week and perhaps this is why I can not longer avoid the news and have to write something. It seeps out of the television and where I am staying, I am seeing BLM t shirts and hats being worn by people openly. I have to admit that my first thoughts are to ask if the people wearing them understand that they are supporting a Marxist organization?

Also, I have been watching CSPAN 2 the last couple of mornings and have to admit that I am unsure what to say. On one morning being interviewed by Karen Tumotty of the Washington Post were the coauthors of a book called Presidents, Populism, and Crisis of Democracy: Terry Moe and William Howell. This morning a woman named Tara McGowen was one of the people being interviewed and each morning the named people were Progressive apologists and supporters of the Progressive movement. Again, I felt a visceral reaction as these people are quite eloquent and truly believe in what they are saying. To be honest this is what frightens me. This frightens me because I do not believe these intellectuals really give a rip about me nor do they understand the laws of physics. I think these people truly believe that because they say something it is true and if anyone disagrees with them, they will do whatever it takes to suppress opposing views. Perhaps, they are being paid by Facebook, Google, and or Amazon? This is a small example of the problem that exists in our institutes of higher learning. Their minds are made up and using circular logic they are professing to know what is best for me.

Good on the Justice Department for filing a suit against Google. I am still waiting to see how people who ran a coup against a duly elected President are going to pay for their crimes.

I think I may have a new byline for my home page, and it is going to be something like, “Eventually the laws of physics will trump the laws of man”. The question is when and in what form will the laws of physics push back and slap the laws of man in the face?

Random Musings 10.8.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I will not Zoom my Thanksgiving dinner! F*&k you CDC and any others who would even suggest this. I am my family consist of responsible adults who can make their own choices. Go back to being good little bureaucrats and keep your noses out of my business because you are no longer scientists.

So, the Presidential Commission on Debates wants to have a virtual debate because of COVID fears. Hmm, let me see I wonder if I could have backed out of my deployment to Afghanistan because of my fear of being killed? No, I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and so I did my duty. Excuse me Commissioners the Presidential Election is guaranteed by the Constitution and your fears of COVID ring hallow to me. Wear PPE and if you get it, the odds are you will not die. The numbers just do not back it up. Besides President Trump obviously has beaten it and so will not be in danger.

I think it is a great thing that the FBI broke up the plot against the Michigan Governor. I do not agree with any one of her policies but there is a way to legally remove her from office and that is the way to go about it in my opinion. Now, why can they not bring charges against the members of the Justice Department who plotted a coup against the duly elected President of the United States and arrest the bastards who committed these seditious acts?

Grandma Nancy Pelosi will not pass any COVID relief because she cannot get her pork passed? Good for you President Trump!

Random Musings 9.30.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

Since I was working at something last night, I missed the beginning of the Presidential Debate. I did listen to it on my drive home and watched the last half hour or so once I got home. I have the following comments:

Chris Wallace pinged on President Trump and certainly was not objective. He even seemed to bail Joe Biden out more than once.

The debate format stunk.

President Trump never once mentioned draining the swamp. I hope he has not become a permanent denizen.

Joe Biden was either very well rested or on some sort of drugs.

I think the Trump team should bring some radio jamming equipment with them next time. At times it looked like Joe Biden was listening to someone for his response and a simple visual inspection is not enough to confirm the presence or absence of an earpiece. Surgically implanted? Perhaps.

Supreme Court Vacancy 2020

With the year 2020 continuing its series of twists and turns we are confronted with yet another opportunity to either acquiesce to the sowers of discord and hatred or find our inner courage and stand up for what believe to be right. This time it is the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the guaranteed political maneuvering, machinations, and perils of her passing less than two months before the elections. Elections which include the President, nearly the whole of the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and elections which have the specter of a leftist extortion threat of violence if the left does not get its way hanging over them.

Despite all of this my first take on Justice Ginsburg’s passing and the subsequent vacancy of her position on the Supreme Court bench is that President Trump and the Republicans have potentially a great opportunity to take control of the narrative in the days leading up to the election. Though I will be the first to admit, from what I see as an outsider, the path is fraught with peril, it will require some stiff backbones and it will require intestinal fortitude from the Republican Senate caucus. Much of which seems to be missing at times in the Republican caucus.

Specifically, I do not see too much downside to pushing ahead with the nomination and confirmation of a new justice. I say this for several reasons which include the opportunity to control the pace of events in Washington DC in the month or so leading up to the election and the ability to appoint a true constitutional conservative who will not be a proponent of judicial activism. Least of all and most importantly the President and Senate have the Constitutional authority to do so under Article II Section 2 of the The Constitution of the United States.

Starting with appointing a proponent of judicial activism it appears that the Republican majority could be in jeopardy of being lost in the election. If this is truly the case then waiting until after the election would be the squandering of a generational opportunity. Sure, the Democrats and their surrogates in the media will scream hypocrisy (which seems to be the going narrative already the day after the Justice’s death on NPR and other Leftist Media sites). However, Senator McConnel has already laid the messaging groundwork in stating that Republicans control both the White House and the Senate. So, game over, the Democrats, Marxists, and Leftists can whine and cry, but they do not have the Constitutional authority to do anything about it.

Politically, it does have the potential to create consternation and headaches for the Senators who are running in contested elections which I get. But again, this is a generational opportunity and a duty specifically spelled out in the constitution. So, they need to get over it.

This leads to the last thought I have regarding the proceedings and hearings which can be quite public. I would love to gauge the public reaction would be if the Bret Kavanaugh hearings were to happen right now? I am not saying the Democrats would approach the hearings the same way they did Justice Kavanaugh’s hearings but I would almost dare them to do so. I would especially like to see what Senator Harris and the other leftists have to say in the hearings which will undoubtedly be broadcast nationally. I this especially considering how quiet she has been the last several weeks.

Random Musings 9.18.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I cannot believe so much time has passed since my last post already. This especially considering all the events that have happened and so much that could be commented on. Then again perhaps it is because all the events going on that have prevented me from typing.

In my part of the world we have been sucking California’s smoke for literally the last month except for three days. Today is one of the relatively smoke free days and maybe that is a reason for me doing some typing.

Hmm, it seems that Senator John Thune is partners with Senator Lee in supporting and protecting big tech. Senator Thune why don’t you just confirm President Trump’s FCC nomination? I wonder how much they have paid you, your campaign, and or one or some of your constituents. Are you a RINO or just a greedy bastard?

And the cheat by mail fraud scandal continues on with Pennsylvania and Michigan being the latest characters to join in the plot.

I hear that the State of Nevada Governor (Steve Sisolak) is now withholding coronavirus relief funds from the county that hosted President Trump last weekend. What a petty little man.

Talk about another petty man and petty dictator the mayor of Nashville is another one. I just cannot help but wonder how many more of the petty men and women in positions of power are doing the same?

I finally got around to taking my NFL, MLB, and NBA teams off of my DVR list. The next things for me to do are to cancel my Netflix subscription and shutdown my Google accounts.

I wonder if Prince Harry knew what Meghan Markle was really about when he married her? I would think that Marxism flies in the face of all that his family stands for but then again, he did step back from his official duties.

Random Musings 9.4.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I had to laugh at Richard Grenell dressing down the reporter at today’s press briefing ostensibly held to discuss the Serbian Kosovo discussions and each establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. Mr. Grenell, I remember what was happening over there more than two decades ago and I agree with you that this is a big deal. A bigger deal than sadly many understand.

I was disturbed by a conversation between someone my age and youngsters who are the product of my states public school education and one a graduate of my local state university. In the conversation the college graduate kept repeating the typical left leaning talking points. Asking myself where they learned this as I know they did not learn these points growing up I can only surmise that it came from the schools they have attended. Taking this a step further I can see, first had, that something needs to be done to our institutions of learning.

Watching Fox last I was struck my Tucker Carlson pointing out the groups who have been endorsed by members of Congress and several in Hollywood. I have to wonder if there are legal repercussions that can be brought to bear on these left wing hate groups? Specifically, can the businesses who have been destroyed as a result of the violence fomented by these groups bring suit for civil penalties against these groups? Additionally, could criminal charges be brought against some of these groups and their donors for the violence fomented and what to me are seditious actions?

I never have really liked the articles that have started reading in The Atlantic in the past. Now I guess I will never try reading another article in the rag. I cannot believe the article saying President Trump said disparaging things about veterans was vetted by the DNC. Hmmm, do you think this may have been a side swiping politically motivated article? To me what The Atlantic reported something more like what Hillary Clinton or Perhaps Mrs. Pelosi might say. Hair? Give me a break.

Random Musings 9.3.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

Mr. President! Do you feel as if you are being stalked or perhaps have someone following you? Someone who seems to want to suddenly say the same things that you say and visit the same places that you visit? I think perhaps you do have someone doing this to you, however, you will not be able to send the Secret Service to investigate this person. I do not suppose it would be fitting considering this person, Joe Bidden, has his own Secret Service detail guarding him. I find it interesting, after listening to the speech he gave on Monday, that the speech ended sounding eerily like the speeches at the Republican National Convention last week. He even said God Bless America at the end. Not only that he decided to visit Kenosha today just days after your visit. Something sinister is afoot here. I do think, Mr. President, that you truly are being followed. Please do not let your guard down because that person, I am quite confident, can and will catch you if given half a chance.

Shocking!!! The city of Seattle has finally decided to clean out the park at the center of their own version of Marxistan and what do they find? Weapons, spike strips, and all sorts of other equipment used for rioting. All the while people are questioning in a yelling manner who is going to look out for the homeless? This because the professional rioters are claiming to protect the homeless. Well, memo to protesters, the police are finally being allowed to protect taxpayers!

Mrs. Pelosi I know you are vain and it comes as no surprise that you have been able to keep your hair colored and cut and maybe even get a nip a tuck though I am not sure of the later during the so called pandemic shutdowns. I rolled my eyes because I figured you probably had someone coming to your home and you know I cannot afford something like that but I know you can so I though to myself, “so what”. Now, however, I see that you have been sneaking into a shut down hair salon the whole time! A hair salon that has been forced to be shutdown and the owner maybe going out of business! Then you have the gall to claim that you were set up!?!? Maybe you were set up and you know what? You should have been set up and I am glad the store owner leaked the security tape. Oh, and though I live in a state that allows salons to open we have to wear masks and there are plexiglass windows and the governor of my state even has his gestapo (state OSHA officials) running around checking on businesses to ensure they are in compliance. If not, the salon is fined $5,000 the stylist $3,000 and the customer $2,000. So, needless to say when getting hair washed, everyone must wear a mask! Mrs. Pelosi, you are nothing but a hypocrite and cheap thug. What happened, did you just forget to read the fine print and just thought to yourself that you would figure it out? Now your minions are threatening, insulting, and bullying the salon owner! Apparently, the abuse of power is routine for you because it seems to be someone else’s fault and not yours.

I say take Tik Tok down and I am glad to see the restrictions being put on Chinese diplomats. What I find insidious is how the CCP is using the youth of America to insinuate their intelligence apparatus on and into American culture. I listen to my kids and they are upset that President Trump is going after Tik Tok which is one of my kid’s favorite apps.  Honestly, I am breathing a bit easier knowing the President is going after Tik Tok and has restricted the diplomat’s freedom of movement.

I had a thought the other day after listening to some news report somewhere or perhaps it was after listening to or reading several news stories. Particularly this thought went to voting and all the hoopla surrounding mail in and etc. I for one am against all mail in voting except for absentee. In fact, I have voted absentee while on duty in the military and was grateful for this opportunity. But what strikes me is this push to make voting convenient. First it was early voting and now it is mail in voting and a push to provide time off and etc. I am ok taking a day off to allow voting but mail in voting I do not think so. Anyway, the thought that came to me is, “Voting is a right and responsibility and it is not supposed to be a convenience!”

Random Musings 8.29.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I keep seeing the image of Senator Paul holding up the police officer who had been assaulted by the mob that had surrounded the Senator and the police escorting the Senator and his wife back to their hotel. This was not a peaceful protest nor a peaceful situation and nothing bad would have come from it had the police not been there. I find it frightening that these protests have gotten to the point that they have gotten. Furthermore, what bothers me are the thoughts that I am starting to have with regards to making myself prepared to defend myself and my love ones. Preparations that I never would have imagined that I would have to make in the United States when I was serving in Afghanistan. I ask why has this lawlessness been allowed to deteriorate the point that it has? It is also plain to see the ignorance of those who surrounded the Senator regarding his legislative agenda in general. Or was it truly not ignorance on the organizers of the riotous behavior but something more sinister at its roots?

Oh, and memo to LeBron James and your fellow NBA players since you have chosen to boycott the NBA for a couple of games? Well I am going to boycott the NBA for at least a season or two. Screw you and imaginary horse you rode in on! I will not support a Marxist sympathizer nor a Marxist sympathizing organization. I know there are racial injustices and I have witnessed it, but Marxism is not the answer and I will fight it. Get an education before you spout uneducated diatribes that bite the hand that feeds you. Or better yet, move to China since you seem to like the CCP better than the United States. Go ahead and renounce your citizenship and get the f*&k out of my country!!!

Mr. Silver, you and rest of the professional sports organization better wake up and wake up quick. You have lost me and others who have been lifelong sports fans for the first time ever are doubting whether they will continue being fans. Quite catering to the lowest denominator. Educate about the evils of racism yes but supporting Marxist organizations and movements is going to cost you if it is not already costing you.

Tim Cook, same to you. The status quo is probably not the best but Marxism is a dark dark road and if you think you will be immune good luck. I am sure there were some powerful businessmen in France, Russia, China, Vietnam, and Venezuela who thought they were immune too. That is unless they voluntarily took their knee to whatever dictator it was that rose to the top of the anarchy, chaos, and brutality.

So, Riot Kitchen members were arrested with gasoline filled fuel cans, helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, attempted escape and are members of an Antifa linked terrorist organization? Let’s see a group from Seattle in Michigan, with instruments of violence, resisting search? Hmmm, I am sure there is a federal statue somewhere that can put these bad actors out of service for a while.

I was impressed and glad to see no Hollywood speakers during the RNC this past week. It may explain why I watched the whole convention after the first night. Oh, and that firework display was amazing! I wanted to be there and watch it firsthand and it reminded me how the Democratic Governor of my state put such a wet blanket on all the Fourth of July celebrations in my state. I will definitely not forget. I love, amongst many other one liners from President Trump’s speech, “The Biden agenda is made in China, mine is made in America.”

Oh yes and where is Kamala Harris denouncing the killing of Patrick Underwood in her hometown of Oakland, California? It disgusts me.

The Purge, great ad.

I read the three men shot by Kyle Rittenhouse were each a felon! He was using a weapon loaned to him by a friend who lives in Kenosha after helping his friend clean up graffiti all day and, additionally, he and his friend were asked by the owner of the auto shop to help in its defense. Again, it is good to let the facts come out before rushing to judgement regardless if waiting fits one’s narrative or not.

Random Musings 8.27.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I watched the entire RNC telecast last night again. I have to admit that I found myself, again, amazed with some of the speakers and what they had to say. Clarence Henderson, Jack Brewer and Burgess Owens blew me away and they are true leaders.

I read today that Notre Dame is “distancing” themselves from Lou Holts. Dan Crenshaw has quite a story and a true hero and Governor Noem has steel in her veins. I would certainly consider moving to South Dakota but at some point, we conservatives need to quit running and stand up for what we believe in. I am not running but will the do the best I can in my state.  

Chen Guangcheng knows firsthand what a country in the Marxists will do to its citizens. I have a friend who escaped communist Czechoslovakia decades ago and has since become a US Citizen. It is brutal but his take is that “Commies cannot be negotiated with they need to be killed”. When he told me that I was shocked because when I looked into his eyes he was serious but like Mr. Guangcheng he has lived under the jack boot of a Marxist Leninist Communist regime. Based on the riots, the Seattle Marxist Land and etc. I think we can only imagine that it will be the same in the US should they gain power.

Something else I noticed is that each night President Trump has either been live or with people. He has not been holed up in his office sending virtual messages.

So, Nancy Pelosi is floating that she would not recommend Joe Bidden meet President Trump for a debate or debates. And here we go.

The Republican Party truly seemed energized. It sure is nice to see the country club elite put on ice so to speak. I guess it took someone who owns country clubs to take care of them.

Something that keeps niggling me is the riots and Marxists who back them are getting money from somewhere. The groups are just too organized with communication devices, helmets, all black clothes, ability to move rioters from city to city, and other clues. Could there be a RICO case here?