All Lives Matter!!!

All lives matter!!! There I said it and you can call me racist if you want but deep down you know and I know that just because I said that I am not a racist. No, quite the contrary, by my saying that I am proving that I am not a racist. You who would call be a racist are, quite the contrary, a racist. I say you are a racist because you call attention to race before calling attention to anything else. You do not prioritize looking at the value I provide to society, you do not look to see if I am fundamentally a good person or a complete sociopathic drain on society, you do not look at whether I am a family man or an egotistical self-absorbed megalomaniac, nor you do not look at any other objective classifications of my contribution to society as a whole. No! Your first valuation of me is based on my race and that makes you a racist!

I have to admit that this so called Black Lives Matter movement put me back on my heels, and I would submit much of the country, much as a person who suffers a sucker punch is put back on their heels and really is shocked, bewildered, and suddenly finds themselves trying to understand what just happened. Fine, this is a natural reaction but what happens after the initial sucker punch is what really matters is what the two people do after the initial sucker punch. Will the initiator of the punch continue to pummel the receiver of the sucker punch? Will the receiver of the sucker punch be able to step back, recover, counter the perpetrator, and finally make the decision to either engage and defeat the sucker puncher or retreat?

Two days ago I read an article in which my favorite baseball team, the Boston Red Sox, allowed Black Lives Matter to displayed in their iconic and historic scoreboard and additionally placed a full size billboard outside their stadium, the iconic Fenway Park, with Black Lives Matter prominently displayed. First off, the Henry’s have every right in the world to display whatever they want in their stadium as owners of the franchise. However, in my anger I was ready to completely disavow the Red Sox, Major League Baseball along with the NFL and the NBA because of their overt acquiescence and cowardice in the face of the bullying tactics of the Marxist organization known as Black Lives Matter. But, for now, I am going to give the owners and management of these leagues the benefit of the doubt because they, after all, are in business and the cultural narrative in our country has been hijacked and is being dominated by the Marxist interests. I am going to forgive the owners and managements ignorance of the fact that the Marxist’s will in the long run destroy the businesses that the owners are trying to preserve. I will forgive the fact and give them the benefit of the doubt that they are too busy running their business enterprises to realize the fundamental threat to their business models this existential Marxist threat poses to them. But I am here to say right now that they had better wake up and realize what this threat truly means to them and they better do it soon!

I will not apologize nor will I allow, to the best of my ability, the Marxists in waiting to twist words around to brand me a racist for saying all lives matter. I cannot believe that we in the United States are allowing this! How can one say that all lives is racist and do not matter!?! Saying only Black Lives Matter is wrong wrong wrong! Yes, black lives matter but they do not matter any more nor any less than yellow, brown, or white lives. I will say, again, that I would welcome many of the people that I served with in the military to live next door to me regardless of their race. In fact, I would prefer many of the nonwhite people I served with to be my neighbor as compared with white people that I served with. Conversely, there are probably an equal number of folks from all races that I would not want to be my neighbor.

It is time to quit ceding ground in the war “the narrative”. I am tired of the language being twisted and turned to make people not sure if what they are saying is right or wrong. If we allow our language to be twisted and manipulated, then we will lose. Once again, I say all lives matter and if you say only black lives matter than you are a racist! BLM will continue to mean the Bureau of Land Management to me.

As for MLB I was heartened to see that Commissioner Manfred in his open letter at the start of the season makes no mention of Black Lives Matter, however, I am disheartened to see players taking a knee for the national anthem and Black Lives Matter patches being made available to the players many of them who are millionaires who would lose it all if the Marxist Black Lives Matter or those of similar ilk were successful in deconstructing our nations systems as they have vowed to do. In the same vein I was encouraged and fully support MLB’s partnerships with the Jackie Robinson Foundation and Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and the MLB Diverse Business Partners Recovery Project.

So, on balance, I would say the scales tip in MLB’s favor and it is keeping me for demanding a refund on my subscription to MLB TV which I had vowed to do the night I read about the Red Sox use of Black Lives Matter and, in my mind, take a knee to the Marxists. However, I will question my motives for the entire season. I will question if I am so desperate to watch something on television besides the news that I am caving into and supporting the Black Lives Movement by watching baseball and the Red Sox this shortened season? I will particularly be on guard and monitoring how the whole MLB Organization handles themselves. MLB and any other organization that has recently supported Black Lives Matter, is on probation so to speak in my mind. I will attribute their initial support to ignorance and quite honestly greed. I will not blame them for the abject failure of our so called conservative intellectuals and leaders and in their ceding the cultural wars to the left wing socialist Marxist progressive communist fascist scum in our country.

I will also be doing some soul searching for instances in which I have ceded my personal intellectual and economic high ground to the leftists. For instance, I know I have ceded this ground by my silence. There are many times when I could have said something in many conversations but did not want to deal with the ramifications of standing for what I believe. In other words, I did not want to deal with the ensuing yelling, screaming, pontificating, and bullying behavior that was sure to follow from these radical leftists. However, I must remember that silence is often construed as agreement and I so often forget this fact. From this day forward I will never again acknowledge Black Lives Matter as anything but a Marxist movement based upon overt racism.

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