Random Musings on Current Events 12.20.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

For some reason I have the song “California Dreamin’” by the Mamas & Papas in my mind but quite honestly what I have floating around in my mind is more like “California Nighmaring”. My nightmares start with the OpenAI whistle blower being found dead in San Francisco. Upon learning of this all I can think is that OpenAI’s meteoric rise must be due to a government agency’s influence (i.e. CIA, FBI). To me the evidence is in that a whistle blower has been suicided. I wonder how many unexplained deaths and suicides occurred when Google, Facebook and Amazon were in their ascendancy that we did not know about because the internet was still in its infancy.

Speaking of some more California Nightmaring it appears that California’s Governor Newsom is declaring an emergency over bird flu at the same time I hear reports of more bird flu around the country. Does anyone else see a pattern late in the year eerily similar to late 2020? I have to wonder if Governor Newsom made his decision from the French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley? I also have to wonder what the state of California’s budget is because I wonder if he is angling form some more Federal pork? Perhaps there was a bailout of some sort or another that Nancy Pelosi snuck into the failed continuing resolution? Perhaps, there is a line item in the money being allocated for disaster relief for California’s disaster known as its state government and ruling elite. 

Mitch McConnell threw the polio card out against his support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation.  Geez Senator McConnell, were you too busy crafting up the pork laden continuing resolution over cigars and bourbon with Reps. Jeffries and Johnson and Senator Schumer to dream up something original to attack RFK Jr. with? Maybe you should ask the pharmaceutical lobbyist, CCP agents or whomever paid your campaign and is employing you to at least draft up something original to attack him with. It is obvious they are more important to you than the American people after all waiting to the end of the year to attempt to push this CR laden with pork through. Here is an idea, why don’t your four stay in Washington through the Holidays working on this CR in a manner that suits the majority of the American people, let the rank and file off, and wait until they come back to vote on this. Or better yet, why don’t you step aside, a little early in Senator McConnell’s case, and let some adults who value other American’s time and resources do the job you four have so miserably failed at.

Eliminate Daylight Savings Time once and for all! I really do not see any good reason to have it and the argument that farmers have for having more daylight at the end of the day is bull pucky. Farm animals rise with the sun no matter what time it shows on a clock and yes, they roost, go to bed, or whatever animals do when the sun goes down. That is unless they are nocturnal and opposite occurs at sunrise and sunset. If someone has problems with not enough daylight at the end of the day start your day an hour earlier in the summer. If anyone who has had to work outside knows a lot of trade people start their days earlier in the summer to avoid the midday heat. In other words, get up earlier and quit your whining.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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