Random Musings on Memorial Day 2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I sit down to type for the first time in several weeks and it happens to be Memorial Day. I paused today after praying to remember those I personally knew who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the countless others that I did not know but who did the same for mine and my country men’s freedoms.

I have to admit that not too much from the media has been penetrating my world and reality the past several weeks due to my being extremely busy with family and business matters. Regardless I do remember a few and will comment on them.

Donald Trump’s trumped up trial has ended evidently or is in the process of ending. At least enough that he no longer has to sit in the court room. I cannot help but yawn and care a wit about the trial. Yes, it will be a crying shame if Donald Trump is found guilty and sentenced to jail time because it will further divide the country in a dangerous way. However, that appears to be what the powers behind the powers want. Personally I cannot get too worked up about it because I am too busy living to buy into the powers behind the power’s death cult.

Speaking of Memorial Day, yet another month has passed since the death of my child thirty days after taking the second dose of the initial two dose Pfizer COVID vaccine and not a peep from anyone in the MSM about increased death rates etc. nor a peep from the Donald Trump campaign about the farce of COVID. All I can say is that some powerful interests in the world did want Trump being reelected and it goes to show the depths of what they are willing to do to maintain their power. They are truly evil beings and I find it hard to call them human.

I had a conversation in the last couple of weeks with someone close to me who was worked up over something that they heard or read about in the media. I found myself starting to get worked up, as well, but was able to pull back my emotions and look at the matter from a more objective point of view. What dawned on me is that there is a faction or elite or whatever you want to call it in the United States and the world that purposely uses the media to foment angst in the main stream or general populace. Trouble is more people buy into and accept the general angst being purveyed than who do not. How else can one explain how compliant the world was when COVID broke?

Speaking of COVID and continuing my rant and rumblings I want to be clear with the few who read this blog that I too bought into the angst and fear being peddled in the early days of COVID. However, I rapidly became disillusioned with the whole narrative when alternative discussion regarding the supposed disease was suppressed and the world’s economy was shut down and fundamental civil rights were violated across the world to include in the United States of America, the supposed land of the free and home of the brave. Never again should we become the land of the oppressed and home of the fear obsessed.

To the purveyors of fear in the media and halls of government may God have mercy on you and may God’s justice prevail on you.

Another event that occurred this past several weeks was the Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis being seen as far south as the Carolina’s. I personally did not get a chance to see them because I was busy in the middle of a personal event that kept me busy from sun up to sun down and needless to say I was exhausted by the end of the day. I did, however, hear of many who had interrupted sleeps etc. I will also say that what I thought was the sun those days did feel more intense. Perhaps it was the effects of the geomagnetic storms from the sun rather than the sun radiation itself that lent to the intense feeling?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.