Random Musings on Current Events 5.27.22

Once again it is time for some Twitter, for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word, like Random Musings. In particular Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet and unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants, and revelations in the media. Additionally, it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction; time will tell I suppose. For that reason, I will not remove Twitter, just yet, from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Nancy Pelosi is being denied Holy Communion by the Archbishop of San Francisco. Well, it is about time someone in a Roman Catholic Church position of leadership stood up! I applaud you Archbishop Salvatore Codileone and I hope that your soul is at peace with your decision. I will say that I do not think Nancy Pelosi will really give a rip unless it costs her votes. I believe this because I truly believe she sold her soul long ago and there is nothing left of it.

Now Whoopi Goldberg telling the Archbishop it is not his job to deny communion? Ummm Ms. Goldberg, it is more his job than it will ever be yours. Whoopi! What a waste of breath.

Food shortages, baby food shortages, gasoline prices skyrocketing and war in the Ukraine have all happened since the Democrats and RINO Republicans counterattacked and retook control of all government and continued their control of mainstream media thanks to the installation of Joe Biden as president. Monkey Pox? Yawn. It reminds me of the Boy Who Cried Wolf story. How does the government/media complex expect me to ever believe another medical crisis is real? Again, I say, “yawn”.

I laugh at the reports of drugs, cartels, immigration and etc. coming over the US’s southern border. If there was political will to stop this, it could done in short order. From my perspective there is too much money being made by corrupt politicians, law enforcement, media and who knows who else on this side of the border from this problem. This is in addition to all the same occurring south of the border. The one thing I know for certain is that it is yet another tool that has and is being used to separate this country from its roots so that it can be destroyed from within. Yet another reason to reach back into our American roots and develop our self-sufficiency and robust local networks in which we look out for each other. I believe this because we certainly cannot trust the national government and most definitely anyone associated with the international cabal.

Yet another “mass” shooting at a school by some lunatic who is no longer living to interrogate. Another mass shooting at a “soft” target. Another shooting in which the anti-gun advocates call for greater gun control when it is they themselves who created the environment that allows these types of shootings to occur. Their demonization of weapons has created gun free zones that the lunatics know they can enter and kill at will. If only one teacher in the school had a weapon how much lower would the body count be? Guns did not cause this tragedy but instead it was the media, corrupt politicians, and corrupt teachers unions who should have the light shown upon them as to why this tragedy occurred. 

Another question that I heard yesterday and it makes sense to me to ask is, “How did an 18 year employee at Wendy’s get north of $4,000 to purchase all of the equipment that he used? This when the local police force could not even afford a bullet proof shield?” Something just does not make sense here and yet again I have to bring up the perpetrator is dead so there is no way to answer these questions.

Henry Kissinger has seemingly risen from the dead. Some of my earliest memories are of him in the Gerald Ford administration and though I was too young to remember, let alone understand, what was being reported about him I have never forgotten his name. Perhaps because as a young child the sound of his name being spoken had some sort of a ring to it? Regardless, I agree with what he said but in the same instance, knowing he is a made man in the confederation of internationalists, I must wonder what his end game truly is?

My next rambling comes from President Trump’s re-Truth post from El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele in which talking about the USA he posted, “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” I mused about what constitutes an enemy from within a few years ago and it seems to be coming true. The USA does have an enemy and it is operating with seeming impunity inside the USA and its corridors of power.

Finally, I have lost much faith in the nation’s leadership and lack trust in pretty much anyone who is in power and by default I cast a wary eye towards its institutions. This is a sad commentary in my opinion.

Memorial Day 2022

Each year as Memorial Day and its associated weekend comes around, I take time to pause and reflect upon my service; the service of others that I know; the service of those before me; and most importantly the ultimate sacrifice paid by many of those who served. I will, however, be the first to admit that as a child and young person I looked forward to Memorial Day as a three day weekend in which I hoped that the weather would decide to be summer instead of winter as can happen where I lived and grew up. After all, Spring is nothing more than an increasing number of summer days interspersed with a lessening number of winter days in the inter mountain west of the United States of America. I do not remember my parents or family acknowledging Memorial Day much besides flying of the US flag except for one time. This one time my parents went to one of the local cemeteries and visited the graves of my father’s grandparents and put flowers on their graves.

The Memorial Day prior to the COVID scam being unleashed on the world I went to my first Memorial Day ceremony at the Veteran’s Cemetery closest to me and found it to be a terrifying, moving and somewhat healing experience. Walking into the cemetery I found myself instinctively pacing and separating myself from my wife as if I was on patrol despite myself never actually participating in a combat patrol. I was deep in thought remembering the time I spent in Afghanistan, those who I knew and those who I did not know that perished in Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. I also thought about those who I had worked with who served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam and my late Grandfather, a WWII vet, who is buried in the same cemetery that I was entering. It must have shown on my face and or countenance because my wife forced me to hold her hand and I soon realized that I was holding her hand tightly when one of the workers at the ceremony, a Vietnam veteran, looked at me and said, “welcome home”. It was like having water thrown on me as I suddenly came into the presence of that moment, and I thanked him in turn. Interesting enough I am wiping away a tear or two as I type this paragraph.

This year will mark the first year that I plan to attend the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Veteran’s Cemetery as COVID marred the previous two years; the fist being canceled; the second year by my refusal to wear a face diaper outside in fresh air and the natural anti-microbial light of the sun. This year, as I reflect on the death of my child I also reflect upon the needless loss, in my opinion, of the twelve marines, one sailor and numerous civilians at the Abbey Gate of the Hamid Karzai International Airport last August. Twelve families, like me, who mourn the loss of their young, loved ones. Young lives needlessly cut short by the ineptitude of senior political and military leaders who placed their careers over proper planning and execution of an organized and planned withdrawal from a combat zone and or their out and out disregard for the lives of those who served under them.

The first place that I place responsibility is with the senior political leadership of the United States of America starting with the President and Secretary of Defense. I know that they were not responsible for the actual planning and execution of the withdrawal, however, it is my belief that they set the tone for the withdrawal that made what was a difficult situation a worse situation. I believe they most likely understood this because of the warnings prior to the attack and the lack of action in holding anyone including themselves accountable for the botched withdrawal. I say this considering the Commander of the US Central Command at that time, General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., was allowed to serve his tour out and the Commander on the ground at that time, Maj, Gen. Chris Donahue, has since picked up another star and is now the Commander of the XVIII Airborne Corps. It amazes me how a young officer or junior sailor, airman, or soldier can have a career ruined by one alcohol related offense and or failing to adhere to the politically correct agenda being foisted upon them by senior civilian and military leadership. Yet, commanding generals who lose lives in a combat zone are promoted and allowed to serve their combat tours out.

This leads me to the failure of these senior military leaders and what to me constitutes a failure to take responsibility for their failures as was done in bygone eras in which senior leaders, being honor bound to “falling on their swords”, would take responsibility for their wartime failings. Yes, I do not know what sort of, if any direction, these senior military leaders received from their senior civilian leadership, but it is my opinion that these military leaders failed not only their civilian leadership (or maybe they didn’t and were following orders) but they certainly failed those who served underneath them. I say this because I believe that most who have spent any time in Afghanistan knew or should have known how corrupt and fragile the government was and how deep the Taliban had penetrated the government and country at large. I cannot believe knowing the US was pulling out of Afghanistan that the military leadership allowed the base at Bagram to be evacuated prior to the remaining troops and diplomatic personnel being evacuated from the country. True, they may have been ordered to evacuate by senior civilian leadership, but they could have easily resigned their post rather than execute a bad order! Again, I will say these Generals would not have lost their pensions had they resigned and so really had nothing to lose financially with their prides being the only item to lose. Instead, lives were lost so that they could maintain their pride, egos, and military careers which is a complete tragedy and failure of honor at the highest level. I would expect more from those who wear the uniform regardless of service branch.

In summarizing my thoughts for this Memorial Day, it is hard for me to be angry anymore as I feel a sense of defeat. Yes, our senior civilian and military leadership are nothing but a bunch of self-serving, sociopaths who have no honor. Quite honestly, in my opinion, it is just a reflection of society and where we are as a country, and it makes me sad that we as a people have allowed and given people of this ilk positions of power and influence in our country. I will salute those this year who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and as usual I will salute those who have served and those who do serve. For the civilians who died in the bomb blast “ta didar bad”, for the Marines and Sailor who perished “Semper Fi and Fair Winds and Following Seas”, and for the United States “God Bless”.

August 2021 Reflection

I looked at this blog for the first time in nearly nine months this week and realized that it has been nine months since I have made a post. In my mind it had only been a couple of months and this realization caused me to stop in my tracks and take some moments to reflect upon why. Looking back to August 19, 2021, I realized that this was about the time I came down with the delta variant of COVID. Typing this I can remember thinking, while in the active portion of the disease, that it was time to make a post but I could not muster sufficient will forces to hold a thought for more than what seemed like mere seconds let alone for the time it takes to make an attempt at piecing together a string of paragraphs. This and the fact that as I recovered from COVID my child died and it is no wonder that I have made no posts in such a long time.

I have spoken about my COVID experience with many but I have yet to type my experiences. Let me start by saying that I was not a recipient of the experimental gene therapy treatment for COVID (aka Pfizer, Moderna or any other form of the advertised “COVID Vaccine”) nor will I going into the future.  I attended a wedding sometime around the time of my last posting and it is at this event that I most likely was exposed to the virus as I began showing symptoms within two weeks of the event. I will admit in polite company, however, that I could have picked it up in many other places as the variant was certainly active in the community and surrounding communities where I live.

At first, I did not realize that I was getting sick. In fact, I was digging trenches around my yard to install electrical conduit for a project and thought I was sore from digging. This because I developed severe muscle cramps across my back shoulder area. Not only that there were several active wildfires in the area near where I live and so I was breathing in smoke and I just figured my discomfort was a result of these. Needless to say, I was getting sick and experiencing no recognizable general immune responses in my body.

Finally, after a couple of days I developed a headache and a mild fever settled in. It was at this time that I finally realized that I was sick and it was time to settle down and let my body heal and fight this disease. During this time, I took a course of Ivermectin and thank goodness I have a doctor who believes in alternative means of treatment and does not solely rely on the FDA-CDC-WHO information that was being disseminated. Yes, I felt really bad for about five days and strangely my normal immune response to a pathogen in my body was different. I felt worse in the morning and better after eating food despite having an upset stomach. This is completely opposite of how I normally feel when fighting a disease. After the initial discomfort I began to start a slow period of recuperation but I will say a sort of brain fog and general fatigue settled in that lasted more than a month.

One may ask if I took the PCR test to confirm if I had COVID? The answer is no but what I did do is I had my blood tested for the antibodies associated with COVID and I had both types of antibodies tested. For me this not only is a confirmation that I had COVID but that I successfully defeated the disease and that my body strengthened my general immunity and specific immunities against COVID infections. A defense system far superior to any of the experimental gene therapy treatments being pushed by the government/pharmaceutical complex. Additionally, as later variants have swept through my community, I believe that I have been exposed as I have experienced similar symptoms as I experienced with the delta variant, however, the symptoms have been far less and of extremely short duration (1-2 days).

One last conclusion that I have reached regarding my experience is that there is no way this virus developed in the wild. The way it attacked my body with little to no normal symptoms initially makes me pause and consider that it was designed to bypass my normal initial general immune response. Additionally, the responses that I did have were unlike any that I have had in the past. The muscle aches were unlike any that I have had before for such a low fever. It was as if there was an attempt to trick and bypass my general immune response so that my body would not recognize what was happening. Also, I always feel worse later in the day when I am sick never the opposite. Lastly, my stomach was upset in a manner that, in the past, were I to eat I would only make it worse. Not with COVID as I needed to eat no matter what my stomach felt like and felt better afterward. In my mind, I now have no doubt that this novel coronavirus was engineered as a weapon to defeat my normal general immune responses to a pathogen.


According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary the first definition of grief is a deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement or a cause of such suffering. I have been in the midst of a great and deep grief these past many months and I have been unable to post anything to this blog for fear of opening the wound caused by my grief too much. I have needed some time to process, deal with, and come to some sort of a semblance of terms with my grief.

This past October a child of mine died and, for now, I will not go into detail how or why my child died. I continue to seek help and move deeper into the anguish, sorrow and other emotions that this event has caused in mine and my family’s life. So much so that I am now in the midst of dealing with PTSD from this event and other events in my life that my child’s death has triggered. I will say that I am committed to turning and facing this grief head on, however, which is why I need time.

Needless to say, this blog has not been resting quietly in my mind at least and I have even begun to reaffirm my commitment to this blog. Not the least of which is it appears that the political leadership in the United States and much of Europe appears to be evil and hell bent on escalating conflict with a nuclear power instead of defusing conflict. It is funny how the specter of nuclear conflict can at least temporarily clear the dense grief induced fog from one’s being.

Soon, more to come with some changes in format, naming, and a commitment to post more consistently.